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Donovan Memorial Silver Fox

Started by TinGoliath, May 12, 2008, 06:48:42 PM

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As the old forum has been lost, so is this forum borne anew.  With this Rebirth, this Renaissance, I also grant rebirth of Honor for a Dear and Trusted friend:

Yes, Faire Friends all, I am assuring the doorway remains open, and any who wish to bear their own Donovan Silver Fox may follow the above Web address to where they may look upon it, and decide which version they prefer.  Yes, there still are 2 sizes, and yes Both include an automatic donation to the Donovan memorial Fund.  Moreso, however, every Silver Fox purchased is another pair of eyes Ever watchful for the Lawless, a grin with a reminder that Justice will be Served, so in years to come, no matter where the lawless run, they will see the Silver fox Grinning back at them, reminding them that their stolen freedom is fleeting, and the Law is close at hand.
You do not need a patch or badge on your sleeve to show you have honor.


The pins are just beautiful!! 
I have both sizes that I placed proudly on my hat so that those eyes may watch and see all.
Lady Penny Clan Sutcliff - MI Chieftess
2013 Penny family Gathering Sept 7-8
Ren Vet
IWG Wench #3523

Madge Estes

Thank you, dear Goliath, for reposting this...  It is a private joy to see folks wearing the Silver Fox.
Live so your dreams recognize you.

Count Adolfo

Aye, Goliath, thanks for reposting this, as I had not had a chance to order mine and no longer have access to the link elsewhere.
Grammercy, my friend!


I had mine in time to sport it for the last weekend of BARF!!!



*Sgt. Goliath makes an Impromptu appearance at the Northern Castle*

Dear Friends and Family of Hollygrove,

  T'was just a year and Six days Hence, we recieved the news that our Well loved, and Duly respected Sir Seamus O'Donovan, Knight of the Silver Fox, Hound Errant to Her Most Royal Majesty, High Guardian Protectorate of the Southern Shire, did depart from us upon a well deserved, truly rewarding walk alongside God the Father in Heaven.

  To this day, Young and Old, Hearty and helpless may ask: "Is there a Loving God?  Show us Evidence of Such."

  To this, I would answer: "This Evidence you seek did Live and Walk among us, and indeed Quite recently so.  Not in Scripture written by Multiple authors hundreds of years past, not in Parable, Prose, or Fable, but in Mortal Flesh and Blood, in Print, Portrait, and live witnesses.  Begging your Majesty's Grace, but Not since mine own Grandparents, and perhaps a precious few others, have I borne the Honor and Privledge to have met anyone who loved as Deeply, as Dearly, as Devotedly, and as Unconditionally as Sir Seamus did Love and Adore out Most Gracious Queen.  Indeed, a Love and Devotion Non-Paralleled or Exceeded except by God Above."

  "Indeed, herein was a Singular individual who took it upon his goodly self and Honour to make a change in the Safety and Security of the Southern Shire.  And Lo, what a difference he did make, in the capture of 3289 Lawless, and the return to goodly homes of 438 lost children.  In this Fyne gent was a Brilliant Savant whose ideals would stir aming the Finest minds of This and any age.  Within his Humors, a Spirit and Dedication to all he called Friend and Family.  For as Tall in physical stature was he, the Stature of his Spirit would verily dwarf the Highest mountains of this or any land.  And yet, for all this stature, he would indeed humble himself in the Profession of his Love and Devotion to those whom he cared the most."

  *raising a tankard*

  "Therefore, Good Friends and Family all, A Toast!  S'Lainte!  To Sir Seamus O'Donovan, Kniight of the Silver Fox, Once, Now, and Forever Always Protectorate of the Crown!  May his Memory, His Love, His Devotion be Remembered, Reflected, Honored, and Continued in Each and Every Friend and Family who Follow in his Honored Footsteps, Brave Example, and Humble Devotion!"

  "Thrice Cheers, at the Very Least, so the memory of Sir Seamus!"  "Hip Hip!"  "Hip Hip!"  "Hip Hip!"
You do not need a patch or badge on your sleeve to show you have honor.


*giving the topic a *NUDGE!* to Where it can be for the upcoming Faire season.*  Yes, Silver Foxes continue to be available. :)
You do not need a patch or badge on your sleeve to show you have honor.


*Plowing the topic upwards* Don't forget your Donovan Silver Fox, available locally at King Jewelers in the International Mall.
You do not need a patch or badge on your sleeve to show you have honor.


*Lifting the topic upwards* Don't forget your Donovan Silver Fox, available locally at King Jewelers in the International Mall.
You do not need a patch or badge on your sleeve to show you have honor.

Count Adolfo

I have GOT to get finances to a point where I can obtain one of these...
it is a MUST