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Positive power/prayers

Started by Celtic Lady, January 02, 2009, 06:46:19 PM

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Rani Zemirah

I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better now, CL, and you're getting into your treatment routine. I'm still thinking about you, and sending you healing energy, loving thoughts and positive prayers, so remember the magic coming your way from all of us, ok? Take care of yourself, and get your rest!

Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


This is wonderful news! Now, just don't overdo. Take care of yourself, and get plenty of rest. We are all thinking of you.
Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96

Lady Amy of York

So happy  that  you are making  progress !  You continue  to be  in  my  prayers  and  thoughs !
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn


Huzzah! That is such wonderful news Celtic Lady.

You still continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


So glad to hear this!  I am keeping you in my prayers :)
Gndecent Gnomie
Master Baiter on the HSI
Seryn of Chaos

Celtic Lady

Hi all. Just checking in and updating.
I've been doing pretty well since the last time I posted. However, today I'm having a small set back. I called the doctor about it and talked with his nurse. She told me that it was too soon for more steroid treatments but would check with the doctor. When she called me back she said that he told her I couldn't have any IV treatments but to let them know if I get worse or something changes/is different. So that's what I need to do. They said that if I'm tired or have any kind of infection... even a cold... that it could make the symptoms come on stronger  :(. sigh

Tonight I'm going for a sleep study.... I'm keeping my mouth shut about how I feel about it :-X. Don't like the masks... feels like I'm suffocating. Plus I'm a stomach sleeper and a mouth breather. The masks don't work real well for my kind. Grrrrrrr.


Celtic Lady I'm glad to hear that you doing alright but am sorry to hear of that little setback you had. You remain in my thoughts and prayers as always. I will also be saying a prayer for you that things go well on your upcoming sleep study. Please keep us posted on how you are doing.

Hugs and lots of love to you lass.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Celtic Lady

Well the sleep study is over and I just have to wait to hear from them as to whether or not they want me to come back in for another but with the CPAP machine... (yuck). Don't know how fair the study is as I can't say I slept all that well. I was aware of the wires and felt restricted because of them. On top of that the bed was very firm, the room too quiet, Sir Morgan wasn't there, I had to wear something to sleep in, had to be ready to sleep before my normal bedtime, and then there was the voice on the intercom at times... all of which is not normal to my usual sleep.
Anyway, the tech told me that I did sleep without trouble and that my oxygen levels were fine. He said that he'd be surprised if they had me come back.

Celtic Lady

I got the results back from the sleep study. They said that since I slept mostly on my side/stomach that everything was ok although I do have some sleep apnea when I'm on my back. At the moment it doesn't warrant a machine.... thank goodness.

On Monday right after my nightly injection I had a reaction to it  :(. It was almost immediate. My upper lip felt as if were burned (like with chapped lips) and it swelled up. My face turned red, I became itchy on my upper back and between my fingers. I felt real strange but needed to be in the bathroom for some reason. I started feel nauseous after I got there. After sitting down I started to feel dizzy and almost as if i was going to pass out. During that time my hearing got very dim and I could barely hear anything. I tried not to panic as I knew that it would only make things worse. Thankfully Morgan was home. We were both aware that this could happen so that helped with keeping calm. I called my doctor yesterday about it and told them everything that happened. He said to take my shot that night and if there was a reaction to call in the morning and he would see me.
While were getting ready for bed Morgan noticed a pretty good sized bruise on my arm where he gave me my shot the other night. He remembered there being some blood after giving me the shot. He thinks that maybe there was a bloodvessel there that was hit and the medicine injected there and it spread too quickly throughout my system and that was the reason i had the reaction.

Lady Amy of York

Wow  girlfriend ! It sounds  like  your  system got  too much of  the  medicine  at once  or  else  you had  a  severe allergic  reaction  which can be   very scarey, I  know,cause i have  had it happen  to me.Glad  Morgan was home  with  you and that  you are okay.

So happy you don't need a machine  for  sleep apnea.   Yea  !  :) :)

Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Celtic Lady

Well it happened again. I had another bad reaction to my meds last night. This one was over rather quickly though I spent most of the night shivering and feeling very cold. Morgan was home (thank Goodness). He told me that I was really warm despite me saying I was freezing. Right now I'm just waiting to hear from the doctor about the reaction.


I am sorry to hear about the bad reaction you had to your meds last night CL. As always you continue to be in my thoughts and prayers m'lady.

Hugs to you and God Bless you lass.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"

Lady Amy of York

Sorry to hear about your  bad night girlfriend.  Glad  you called  the  doctor. Hope  you hear back  soon.   
A suggestion.. this  is something I learned  from personal experience ....   Go  to your bookstore  and get  yourself  a  reference book  that list  all  the prescription drugs  out there and  their  possible   side  efects or  reverse  reactions.
    I have one that  is  a copy of   a nurses    handbook  for  prescription  drugs. It has  saved my life  more  then  once.     When ever i was put on a new  medicine  i  look it up in that book.  One time i had a bad  reaction  to a pain med  i was on, and i  looked it up in the book  and  found  the cause  right away.  The pain med i was given  did not  interact well  with  some other meds i was  on.
So get  yourself  a  reference book, cause i have learned that  doctors  sometimes prescribe  meds  without  even  checking  what other meds  you are on, etc.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn

Celtic Lady

Thanks Amy and Lordwriothsley. Last night was rough more so because I was so cold despite Morgan telling me I was very warm. I slept very tight trying to warm up and because of that my joints were quite stiff today. The doctor said to try the medicine again tonight and see what happens. It could be something that will happen every so often with me.

As for meds reacting badly with one another, I'm only on my MS medicine and ibuprofen when needed. No problems there.

Lady Amy of York

It sounds like  a  couple  things  could have  been  going on.

a   reverse  reaction  to the meds.  It deffinitely sounds like  your body  is having a hard time handling  the  medicine  you are on.
  I hope  I am wrong, and  that you have  a better night  tonight, if  not  i  would  deffinitely get on the phone  with  your  doctor  right  away.

2. The meds are working  for  you and are drawing out  the so called  toxins, bad stuff  in your body that is making you  sick,  thus meaning you are sweating it  out, and it is making  you  cold.

3. Your immune  system   and body is being attacked  by something  right  now.  I have had it  happen to me.  Whenever i get  a  real bad case  of  the  chills i  know  my neurolgical symptoms, etc, are starting to act up again, or  I  am  coming  down  with the  flu  or  something.

4.  Hormones.  Have you had  your  thyroid  check?    some people  with  thyroid  problems  experience  the  chills  alot.

5. you got  yourself  overtired, cause  sometimes  when i get  really tired  i canot get warm  for  anything.
Lady Amy of York/CaptainAmy of FeistyLady pirateship
Cheiftess Feisty of Clan O' Doinn