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Started by Manwariel, August 03, 2009, 08:15:46 PM

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For those of you with Nikon DSLR's --- if you want save your shots as NEF files and be able to view them in M$ Windows XP, here's a review of a RAW image file viewer from M$ (so you don't have to install the Nikon Software).

DCViews - Microsoft RAW image thumbnailer and viewer for Windows XP

I normally run Linux on my home PC, and there are several image viewers available that support NEF files.  But I didn't want to install any non-Microsoft applications at work.  So, I tried the M$ RAW image viewer, and it works.  Basically, it's like a plug-in for the regular Microsoft Picture and FAX viewer.

There are a number of other Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP that you might like to try.  Some have to do with Photo Image Processing, and others do not.

Take Care,
David Baldock
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people... -anonymous