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New to Renfests would love to go to one in costume where to begin?

Started by Diaval, May 02, 2015, 08:21:23 PM

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Lady L

I have seen people (vendors and patrons) with all sorts of bags, pouches, shoulder bags, baskets etc. at MNRF. I had a shop there for 15 years, as I said before. The festival sells burlap shoulder bags at the traveler's shops they own. Lots of people use those.

I had a velvet, lined in gold satin drawstring bag that I sewed for myself. I used it to put my camera and money in, when I went out of the shop. I bought R a leather pouch and it had a snap on the front, which he put his wallet, keys and camera in. Later, I bought a leather sporran for him, when he wore his kilt on Scottish weekend. He also used a black velvet drawstring bag tied onto his belt on Middle Eastern weekend. I don't remember seeing someone wearing a sporran with pants. ?

I did want to mention that if you have a sword, first it is supposed to be peace-tied and second, it is difficult to use the portapotty while wearing one. R had a wood practice sword that he painted the blade shiny silver, so he didn't need to worry about it. He always took it off before attempting to enter the portapotty. Something you should consider- some people find it just too much to bother with, all day. In a crowd, in a shop, sitting down etc., it will be in the way. It can also become quite heavy to carry around.

I have that Simplicity pattern and isabella is right, that shirt is easy to sew. I used to get cotton fabric at Wmart for around $3.00 yd and it takes about 3.5 yds to make. I got some cotton fabric there for only $1.00 yd on clearance. I know you said you can't sew, but you can't get a shirt much cheaper. Both my sons are able to sew, also my grandpa did a lot of hand sewing. It isn't that difficult, really.

Here's a few examples of what we did, for some ideas. I don't think I have photos of the drawstring bags.

leather sporran

Knight with wooden sword and black leather pouch.

Black leather pouch on the left
Former Shop Owner at MNRF


In this photo I am wearing just a short chemise, a skirt (both cotton) and an unboned bodice.  (it was 95 degrees)  On my black leather buckle belt I have a mug, a sheathed peace tied short sword, a leather pouch, a drawstring pouch and a pirate bandana.  The sword sheath and leather pouch have loops to hang directly from the belt.  The mug is hung from a mug frog which also loops the belt.   The plain black tricorn hat is decorated with black and red ostrich feathers.   The belt and accessories are unisex.

The lovely bar wenches  (Liz and Meredith) are garbed simply in a chemise with layered skirts with a bodice.


Good 'Evenin'  M'ladies:

Quote from: isabelladangelo on May 10, 2015, 05:11:25 PM
Sorry, I misunderstood.  I thought you had clicked on the links provided.  The links show budgets - medieval fanny packs- and where they are carried on the person; right at the waistline.

Oh, I did look quite a few...not all though as that site is huge.   I only asked about how a bag is worn because I have seen it both ways, either on the belt or slug over the opposite shoulder.

Before the 19th Century, men carried just as much as women - if not more.  Purses were for both sexes.   (The 19th Century really royally messed up everything)

This I wasn't sure of, if there was a particular style suited for men or women, but thanks for clearing that up.   

   I personally carry a small basket.  It holds my credit cards, cell phones, a small mirror, some thread, embroidery scissors, and a bunch of other knickknacks.  In a couple more weeks, I should have a few baskets recovered and for sale up on etsy, I hope.   The nice thing is they never look out of place and they can hold everything.   I've given a couple to friends and they use them all. the. time.

A basket?  That is interesting.  What does it look like?   

Please, check out the links I've already provided and take a look at the various styles of bags, budgets, ect were really available - you'll easily be able to find some modern versions once you know what the medieval ones looked like.

Yes, there are a couple styles I homed in on already.   

The two images you posted for garb are pretty good for the shirts they are wearing.  Honestly, if you wanted to learn how to sew, that style top is very, very simple - and it would cost you maybe $10 to make it on your own with a needle and thread.

Yes, I like the one with the huge sleeves.   I think I mentioned earlier that I CAN handle a machine...I just don't have one.  As for by hand, I never sewed by hand in my life.  Wouldn't know where to begin there.   However, the low cost certainly seems to be attractive.

Quote from: Lady L on May 11, 2015, 02:39:19 AM
I have seen people (vendors and patrons) with all sorts of bags, pouches, shoulder bags, baskets etc. at MNRF. I had a shop there for 15 years, as I said before. The festival sells burlap shoulder bags at the traveler's shops they own. Lots of people use those.

Yes I remember you mentioning those bags. 

I had a velvet, lined in gold satin drawstring bag that I sewed for myself. I used it to put my camera and money in, when I went out of the shop. I bought R a leather pouch and it had a snap on the front, which he put his wallet, keys and camera in. Later, I bought a leather sporran for him, when he wore his kilt on Scottish weekend. He also used a black velvet drawstring bag tied onto his belt on Middle Eastern weekend. I don't remember seeing someone wearing a sporran with pants. ?

There was one nice drawstring bag I was looking at on one of those websites above.   I mentioned the sporran as I was not sure if that was a look that only linked with wearing a kilt.  But as I did some reading on my own, it apparently is.   But I am curious if the reverse would be OK, wearing a regular bag/pouch with a kilt? 

I did want to mention that if you have a sword, first it is supposed to be peace-tied and second, it is difficult to use the portapotty while wearing one.  R had a wood practice sword that he painted the blade shiny silver, so he didn't need to worry about it. He always took it off before attempting to enter the portapotty. Something you should consider- some people find it just too much to bother with, all day. In a crowd, in a shop, sitting down etc., it will be in the way. It can also become quite heavy to carry around.

Yes, I remember reading that on the NYRF site, that they do allow weapons, but they have to be peace tied.  How that is done, I don't know. I am assuming you somehow have to tie the weapon itself to the belt so it cannot be drawn from it's sheath.

Actually you do bring up a good point about the portapotty situation and carrying it around all day.  For a smaller renfest or Halloween, I would be fine with a longsword, but for NYRF, I would opt to go with a short sword or a long dagger.    That would be better now that you bring it up

I have that Simplicity pattern and isabella is right, that shirt is easy to sew. I used to get cotton fabric at Wmart for around $3.00 yd and it takes about 3.5 yds to make. I got some cotton fabric there for only $1.00 yd on clearance. I know you said you can't sew, but you can't get a shirt much cheaper. Both my sons are able to sew, also my grandpa did a lot of hand sewing. It isn't that difficult, really.

Well, I could take a look at the pattern and see what my wife thinks about hand sewing it.

Here's a few examples of what we did, for some ideas. I don't think I have photos of the drawstring bags.

I like the Sporran.   But the pouch is off to the side and I can't see it very well.  I like the knight outfit.  Heck!  I like ALL the outfits.  I do like that style hat though, I see it come up often.

Quote from: arbcoind on May 11, 2015, 11:41:09 AM

In this photo I am wearing just a short chemise, a skirt (both cotton) and an unboned bodice.  (it was 95 degrees)  On my black leather buckle belt I have a mug, a sheathed peace tied short sword, a leather pouch, a drawstring pouch and a pirate bandana.  The sword sheath and leather pouch have loops to hang directly from the belt.  The mug is hung from a mug frog which also loops the belt.   The plain black tricorn hat is decorated with black and red ostrich feathers.   The belt and accessories are unisex.

The lovely bar wenches  (Liz and Meredith) are garbed simply in a chemise with layered skirts with a bodice.

Nice pirate outfit!  You have quite a bit of hardware on your belt.  Now all you need is a ship!   I was thinking about going with two pouches as well if I don't opt for the Kilt/Sporran look.   A small one to carry cash and perhaps a larger drawstring one for my camera.   I have a BIG camera:

However, I think one big pouch will do and I could always add a second one later.

Thank you all!

I believe I picked out the shirt I like and the style hat.   A belt with large pouch and short sword / dagger (just have to pick a style).  So then there remains the question whether to kilt it or go baggy pants.

Well, I certainly see my look is coming around.   So next up is my wife's look...I think she will be easier to do.

Have a good night!

Exit Light, Enter Night, Take My Hand, We're Off To Never Never Land.

Lady L

Yes, I remember reading that on the NYRF site, that they do allow weapons, but they have to be peace tied.  How that is done, I don't know. I am assuming you somehow have to tie the weapon itself to the belt so it cannot be drawn from it's sheath.

Most faires, including MNRF, the front gate people will put a zip tie around the sword, so it can't be removed. If it isn't, security will be there to *assist*.

I like the Sporran.   But the pouch is off to the side and I can't see it very well.  I like the knight outfit.  Heck!  I like ALL the outfits.  I do like that style hat though, I see it come up often.

When I took the photos, I wasn't trying to get just the sporran or pouch. Those are the only photos I have of that. The pouch does not need to be in front, but the sporran is always worn in front.

That is called a muffin hat. It is a circle gathered into a straight headband, which is lined. Very easy to make. Takes about a yard of fabric. for example. 

Oh, I just wanted to add that I have a 500mm telephoto lens, plus a Nikon camera. I could carry the lens in the drawstring bag and the camera in a different bag. Sometimes faires (other events, too) have rules about big lenses, though. It wasn't a problem in the past, but it has become one.
Former Shop Owner at MNRF


I peace tie my weapons with a black zip tie.  I loop it around the hilt of the weapon and the sheath.  The weapon cannot be drawn.  Just cut off the extra zip tie after tightening, so it is not visible.  Faires that allow weapons will usually peace tie for you at the gate.  But they don't do a great job of disguising the tie, so you will want to do this beforehand.


Good 'Evenin' m'ladies!

Quote from: Lady L on May 13, 2015, 01:06:09 AM
Most faires, including MNRF, the front gate people will put a zip tie around the sword, so it can't be removed. If it isn't, security will be there to *assist*.

Oh, they use a zip tie then?   I thought tying it off with string would be good, but I guess I see why they prefer a zip tie because a string can be removed. 

When I took the photos, I wasn't trying to get just the sporran or pouch. Those are the only photos I have of that. The pouch does not need to be in front, but the sporran is always worn in front.

Yes, I was reading up a bit on the history of Kilts and the Sporran and the purpose it serves.

That is called a muffin hat. It is a circle gathered into a straight headband, which is lined. Very easy to make. Takes about a yard of fabric. for example.  [/color]

Yep that's the type of hat I am after.  I definitely need some kind of liner as I don't want to ruin the hat.  I sweat the most from the top of my head.  That is the first place that gets wet!   Instructions seem simple, but I never did anything by hand.  If I still had my mother's machine...probably.

Oh, I just wanted to add that I have a 500mm telephoto lens, plus a Nikon camera. I could carry the lens in the drawstring bag and the camera in a different bag. Sometimes faires (other events, too) have rules about big lenses, though. It wasn't a problem in the past, but it has become one.

Wow, now THAT's a chunky camera if you need TWO bags for it.  LOL!    So they make a big stink if you have a big camera?  Well, my camera isn't a pro model, so I can't change the lens on it, but it is still bigger than the typical pocket camera.  I had those, but hated them because the rinky dink motors on the lens would break.

For the most part I would keep my camera away until I wanted to take pictures, but I have seen many at renfests with cameras as big as or even bigger than mine around someone's neck the whole time.

Quote from: arbcoind on May 13, 2015, 03:37:32 PM
I peace tie my weapons with a black zip tie.  I loop it around the hilt of the weapon and the sheath.  The weapon cannot be drawn.  Just cut off the extra zip tie after tightening, so it is not visible.  Faires that allow weapons will usually peace tie for you at the gate.  But they don't do a great job of disguising the tie, so you will want to do this beforehand.

Yes, Lady L was mentioning the zip tie above.  Well, thank you for the tip at least I know now how to do it before hand.

Thank you all and have a good night!

Exit Light, Enter Night, Take My Hand, We're Off To Never Never Land.

Lady L

Yep that's the type of hat I am after.  I definitely need some kind of liner as I don't want to ruin the hat.  I sweat the most from the top of my head.  That is the first place that gets wet!

That's why I make as much as possible from washable fabric. The black muffin hats in my photo are cotton velveteen and have been washed several times.

As far as cameras, check with the faire you will be attending.
Former Shop Owner at MNRF

Rowan MacD

Remember that T'ger Toggs has a good, fully lined bag hat.  Cheap too.   You can outfit your self for under $100.00. try Sofi's Stiches for a complete basic outfit for your wife-Mine is close to 15+ years old and I'm still using bits and pieces.  I bought it because it pretty much has everything you need for a reasonably period correct wench look, and was cheaper than buying it all separately.
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

Lady Renee Buchanan

You can get a basic woman's package, chemise, bodice, skirt, from between $115 to $160 by forum member Very Merry Seamstress.  .A man's twill doublet is under $100. Knee breaches are $40 to $50 range.

Don't forget, these are CUSTOM, not off the rack.  Made to YOUR measurements.

I will guarantee Heather's work 100%.  She is a sweetheart wonderful to deal with.  About 17 years ago, she made me a long wool cape.  It is beautiful, and I still wear it.  It is assembled so well, it still looks brand new
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


Good 'Evenin' M'ladies

Sorry I have not been on-line this weekend.

Quote from: Lady L on May 14, 2015, 02:28:46 AM
That's why I make as much as possible from washable fabric. The black muffin hats in my photo are cotton velveteen and have been washed several times.

As far as cameras, check with the faire you will be attending.

Ok, thank you.   From what I seen on the NYRF site, cameras seem to be welcome.

Quote from: Rowan MacD on May 15, 2015, 10:47:05 AM
Remember that T'ger Toggs has a good, fully lined bag hat.  Cheap too.   You can outfit your self for under $100.00. try Sofi's Stiches for a complete basic outfit for your wife-Mine is close to 15+ years old and I'm still using bits and pieces.  I bought it because it pretty much has everything you need for a reasonably period correct wench look, and was cheaper than buying it all separately.

Yes, I did see the hat on that site.  Shame it was only an outline drawing as I would have liked to see a picture of it.   Ok, thank you I will take a look at the that website.

Quote from: Lady Renee Buchanan on May 16, 2015, 07:06:52 AM
You can get a basic woman's package, chemise, bodice, skirt, from between $115 to $160 by forum member Very Merry Seamstress.  .A man's twill doublet is under $100. Knee breaches are $40 to $50 range.

Don't forget, these are CUSTOM, not off the rack.  Made to YOUR measurements.

I will guarantee Heather's work 100%.  She is a sweetheart wonderful to deal with.  About 17 years ago, she made me a long wool cape.  It is beautiful, and I still wear it.  It is assembled so well, it still looks brand new

Wow!  That was some impressive site.  They certainly have some nice stuff.   I must have been browsing that site for over an hour! 

I have seen some nice inexpensive outfits for my wife there.  Amazingly, I like the peasant gowns because they are not as long as to drag the ground.   On that site I like the Italian Renaissance Gown, or the Basic Irish Gown for my wife.   The Irish gown can have a chemise that ties the sleeves up so it would be worn as long or short sleeve.   I like that option and I am sure my wife would too.

Thank you all again for the help.  Hopefully I can successfully put something together now.

Good Evenin'

Exit Light, Enter Night, Take My Hand, We're Off To Never Never Land.