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Our Thanks to All People and Things RenDevous '08

Started by Lady Nicolette, June 10, 2008, 10:01:52 AM

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Lady Nicolette

For everyone who attended the RenDevous '08 ~ Menage Ette Trois ~ M'Crack Invasion

My grateful thanks goes out to everyone who was able to participate and allowed me and Wenchie to take the lead...Again, we couldn't have done it particularly without the help of bmgjarvis and RFP (RenFairePhotog), they never technically volunteered but were ready and willling whenever we needed them to act as liaison, 10-foot pole delivery or just general people to consult with in numerous matters as the RenDevous drew closer.  Huzzah to John for his generosity and magnanimous spirit!  Huzzah to Queen Bonnie and Welsh Wench for keeping the secret of Queen Bonnie's attendance all the way since Thanksgiving of '07!  Yep, it's true, that's how long the three of us knew.  Three huzzahs go to Welsh Wench, my co-conspirator, she was absolutely my right hand and left boot in all of this. 

Much help was also given to me from Athena, Capt Bacardi (he brought the banner!), DeadBishop and Pickles.  Syrilla was of course most generous in offering QEI up as an Ette at the auction, Lady Ettie as her proxy was priceless.  Obviously, the auction was enriched by Giacomo and Craig of Farrington chose the perfect musical selection for Musical Men.  Gimli supplied us with the signable banner, Kirk and RFP were tireless photographic chroniclers of all of the events.  Festmum came up with the beautiful nametags and provided us with them.  Thanks to Louie the Horn Merchant for the use of his cart for storage.  Capt Spleen incognito as the nun with Spam was unforgettable.  Old Tinker and Belle were inspirational.  Lord Stephen insisted upon carrying the 10-foot pole and banner many times for me and he and Lady Renee were lovely additions to my household over the weekend, along with Queen Bonnie and Athena.  Gratitude must be given to Grov and the Bayou Scoundrels for taking such good care of Blue's illegitimate children and bringing them along to meet their deadbeat dad.  Tremayne and Alphonse were good friends to me at times when I needed support throughout.  Thanks also to Scotsman and Lady Guiness for being the official Parking Lot Pub.  Escarlata and Leinad inviting us one and all to their handfasting was a lovely thing to do and even lovelier to witness.  LairdeGuard'nM'Crack was the perfect maitre'd at Wong's, live and unscripted!  My thanks must also go to Fairyfly, who started this whole thing originally and instigated the first Ette Invasion and managed all of Ette Tu.  Special mention goes to Jezzie McPeaks for giving us shelter in her tent during the deluge, which gave us the very unexpected and curious double ending to the entire weekend.

Of course thanks need also be given to everyone at the Tennessee Renaissance Festival, the performers, merchants and vendors, for giving us this wonderful Faire to share!

This was a wonderful experience, I wouldn't have missed it for the world!  Every one of you has enriched my life and I can't thank you enough for just having been there with me through all of this.
"Into every rain a little life must fall." ~ Tom Rapp~Pearls Before Swine

Welsh Wench

There's not alot more I can add to what Lady Nicolette so eloquently conveyed for both of us. But I'd like to add my thanks along with Lady Nicolette's for the magical weekend we all spent at Covington Glen. TNRF is a smaller faire compared to some but they make up for it with their hospitality and their heart.

Nickie really did most of the planning, I just held the ball while she kicked the field goal.
Bmgjarvis was wonderful as the PR between faire management and the R/F plans along with Renfairephotog.

When we all gathered for the first time under the R/F banner in the shaded area, it was just like a big class reunion. Names were matched up with faces and hugs freely given. As it was once said, 'R/F'ers are just old friends who never met until now.'   

My personal thanks goes out to all who participated in the auction. The giving of your time and money (and the Menage Ette Trois wine, thanks to Sean Daniels) netted over 1600.00 for RESCU.
Sure, I was really nervous attempting to fill Fairyfly's boots from last year but looking around and seeing alot of familiar faces helped. Along with a deep breath.
My thanks to Giacomo for starting us off but the real comfort was when Captain Bacardi stood in for him to finish up. I seriously couldn't have done it without him. My heartfelt Huzzahs to Athena, Lady Nicolette and Escarlata for helping keep the money and bids straight for me.

Can anyone ever forget Musical Men turning into a mosh pit? I swear, Esc, I never had to help fish you out from the bottom of a puppy pile before! I knew you were under there..somewhere!
Everyone caught on to the game in record time. I guess Esc said it all when she said, 'Ladies, your BUTT has to be on the gentleman's knee.' And the pictures attested to the fun.
My thanks to Craig of Farrington for the music.

The generosity of Scotsman and Lady Guinness for the tailgating of croissants and mimosas in the parking lot. The handfasting the next day was beautiful. The wenching of Anita and Willa's dad.The dinner at Chef Wang's...I am betting the manager had never seen anything like it..or anyone like Laird! He kept the party going. Last I heard there were over 77 Rennies, most in mundane clothes!

The surprise of Queen Bonnie's arrival. Yes, I can keep a secret when I absolutely have to, hard as it was!

TNRF would not be complete without the required afternoon downpour but who would have thought it would have lasted four hours? A lot of our group had left Monday morning and more left mid-afternoon so we did not have a chance to give our final tearful goodbyes at the final pub sing.
Somehow our goodbyes seemed incomplete.
Jezzy MacPeaks moved things around and quite a few of us spent a few hours in her tent.
Then shall I put this? Two noted R/F'ers in kilts took a notion to show us what really is under the kilt....yes, that will go down in the legends of the R/F boards.

And a special thanks to Quiet One, Kirk, RFP....and all who generously used their magicboxes to catch every glance, every look, every nuance of this magical weekend.

My thanks to Festmum who ferried some of us to and from the airport.
And to all those who put up with my Riot's Disease (may have been four times but who was counting?) And to Mad Jack who didn't mind hanging out with me. And Molden who is...well, he's MOLDEN!
There are so many more people I could name. Each of you are special in your own way.

My thanks to the food concession who finally got the spinach pie to me.. ;)

My list of thank yous could go on and on.

May the coming year find us all healthy, happy and prosperous in the year to come till we all meet again.

I walked away with this one thought--'YOU LIKE ME! YOU REALLY LIKE ME!'

Now...where's that Oscar I was promised?

Show me your tan lines..and I'll show you mine!

I just want to be Layla.....


You guys are hilarious!
Your thanking us ... when you did all the work, all we had to do was show up!
Right back at you lassies!

Actually I am a little upset with you two ... you have set the bar so stinking high for future Rendevous that as a planner I have no idea how to top it!

I gonna have to hire clowns and strippers and paramedics and hookers and donkeys ... crap!

Thanks YOU very much!

*sticks tongue out*
Kilted Rogue #1411
Irish Penny BDE - Flattn'
Teer for life
RFC #56
Was that my inside voice?


Captain Jack Wolfe

I have to say that this was by far the BEST time I've ever had at faire, hands down.  It was, as Wenchie said, truly a magical weekend.

Thank you much for all the hard work you put in to make this RenDezvous the Gold Standard.
"I'm not sure about people anymore. They're responsible for some pretty nutty stuff. Individuals I'm crazy about, though." ~ Opus

Queen Bonnie

 I had the best time and  I was treated Royally! Hugs to you all! No words can express my gratitude for your wonderful hospitality, Lady Nicolette! It was a purrfect weekend! I LOVED meeting all!
Still doing the Renndevous happy dance!  Grammercy and  Royal hugs!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!

Lady Renee Buchanan

Though I have been remiss in posting our thanks, Steve and I wish to thank everyone who had a hand in making this such a wondrous weekend. 

This was our only vacation for the year, and Steve and I, in our 10 1/2 hours of driving home, had lots of conversations about all the fun we had.  We, too, feel that it has been one of the best faire experiences we've ever had.

From Lady Nicolette's hospitality, to the fun nights with all of her houseguests, to the magical days at faire, to the M'Cracks, Teers, and Ettes for keeping us laughing the whole time, to the beautiful handfasting ceremony of Escarlata and Leinad, to the Romanceteer who presented me with a rose (!), and to the magnificent cast, musicians, and Queen of the TN Ren Faire.  And even the fun we had in the first aid tent, stylin' wearing our wet towels! 

And to those whom I've accidently left out your names, but please know there are many, many wonderful memories that we hold. 

Thank you deeply.

A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich


Thanks to Lady Nicolette, Wenchie, Brenda, & RFP for all the hard work. I personally would like to thank Brenda for immediately fixing the snafu with my tickets when I was charged the wrong rate!

Also to Giacomo, Lady Ettie, and Craig of Farrington for taking time out of their busy schedules for the auction and musical men.

Scotsman and Lady Guinness for the fabulous treats before opening gate, can't wait to see both of you in a few weeks! BIG hugs to Jezzie for offering us shelter from the storm.

Laird Guard'n M'Crack, for taking charge at Chef Wang's and making sure all of us were seated together. Laird, you're one hell of a maitre d'!  ;D

Last, but most certainly not least, a huge thank you to all those who attended and made the invasion a success!

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


Thanks to Lady Nicolette and Welsh Wench for undertaking the event. It was a grand time.  Thanks to John,  DB and Tom for having the life boat ready so we could keep in communication.

Thanks to everyone that came to  Rendevous.
Twenty seasons of covering renaissance  festivals. Photos/calendar/blog.
Fairy photographer

Old Tinker

no more be need'd to be add'd,
cept - if ever there is a need,
me Belle and me will heed,
i be the Old Tinker and his Belle...
Loveland "Castleteer"
Travel Safe, Travel Far

fluffy tail

Thank you to everyone who made it a wonderful time.
I'm sorry I couldn't of joined more in some of the fun, but family (two and four legged had to come first).

Was wonderful meeting those of you I did. And the surprise of meeting Queen Bonnie was a treat.

Again thanks to everyone.
IWG #3371
Royal Wine Taster
Tinker #2
landshark #38


Lady Nicollette and Welsh Wench and Athena - c'mon down fer them Oscar Trophies! I high-jacked the Academy Awards trophy truck an' am personalizin' em this var' moment w' me dagger... *The rest o' ye be welcome t' purchase "commemorative" editions fer a "special" price...which I will decide upon a' th' tyme o' parlay doncha knoooo.  ;D


I had such a BONNY GOODE TYME that I STILL be playin th divil com'n down from it. Thank you Lovely Ladies/Wenches/Yummy Bits for such a Wondermous Job o' bringin' tgether such a band o' stray cats, misguided miscreants, scurvy buckets o' goo (Hi Mad Jack an' Cap'n Spleen!!!!), (if'n I lists ye all...we'll be 'ere ALL NIGHT!)an, finally, some manner o' *shudder* - goode folke - and pull the whole thing off in yer usual, beautious goode grace!

(It means Good Job! Yay!) ::)

Thanks ever so Lovelies!!!
Cat-like & Mercurial

Reliably Unreliable


Dear Ladies -

As a M'Crack, I feel that all who were with me would agree. YOU ROCK!!!

Thank you so much for all the wonderful memories, and I hope that one day we can reciprocate.

Luv always,

Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96


Once again a big THANK YOU to all.My wife and I had a great time. Hope to be seeing everyone at various faires around the country this year. Next is GLMF!
Bretheren of the Great Lakes
True heirto the Duchy of Savoy
Rivet'n Penny


Thanks to those who worked to pull the weekend off and to all those who came together in open renfriendship. It is truly a special experience when people from across the country, from all different backgrounds, perhaps having known one another only through this medium before meeting, come together and get along so well. Ren magic synergy in action but also the magic of the organizers and their helpers who were clear about what was happening when and made everyone feel safe and part of the group. (Festmum, the artsy badges were a great idea!)
I am but mad north-northwest; when the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw. --Shakespeare via Hamlet.