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Who? When? Where? 2014 (For all you impatient people)

Started by LadyJessica, May 03, 2014, 08:53:44 PM

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There's 160 days until faire (as of 5/3) and there are some people that just can't wait... ;)

It's that time again!

For those of you that haven't posted on this list before you need to answer these questions three...errr four...

1.)  What weekend of faire are you attending?  (i.e. I and all of clan Mcshuggenah will be out Halloween Themed Weekend only)

2.)  How many people are in your group for said weekend?  (i.e., There will be about 20 of us)

3.)  Where are you staying?  (example: Caming w/ (insert group name here)....staying in a hotel...I'm daytrippin'...We'll be staying around 1D)

4.) Are you going to the Masquerade Ball and do you have a golden ticket? If the names are in orange they have a golden ticket.

On a side note, the "Working List" is from last year which was copied from the previous year which was copied from the previous year...if you are no longer working or in a different spot please let me know!

And now for the list:

Terre Albert - Fearless leader
WarCat (Blue66669) - Transylvanian Court
volans - Transylvanian Court
KnarlyKnot - #312
FaeHollow - German court
Strange - Mask Parade #156
PyroMaster - Making pretty sparklies in the sky
spikey - 1000 Oak Barrels
JonnyRingo316 - Transylvanian Court
Zaubon - Camera man and cook to the stars!!  ;D
az  - Valens
mpullen - Camp Guru
Savol Stormshadow - Mask Parade #156
LibraryPrincess - Sell CD's for Circa Paleo
porthos - Brigadoon Brewery & Wife is working for Swan Lace
Chianti - Featured Artist Highland Fling weekdn

Oktoberfest - October 11 - 12
Masquerade Ball -
Camping w/ Clan Procrastination - Row 2D - 2F (behind Chaos; look for the boat deck) -
Camping w/ P. R. - KeeperoftheBar & StudMuffin, *Teach* & Lady Trinn, SirRichardBear, eloquentXI
Camping w/ Green Flame - Tink
Camping W/ Clan DragonAss (3G - 4H) - Valeria Skyye
Camping W/ HORD (2B) - xed +12
Camping w/ Clan Destiny - Hector
Camping w/ Pirates of Tortuga - Queen Gynxie Masters and the whole clan
Camping w/ Clan Mystic Trinity - Lady Laura, Lady Diana and  the rest
LadyJessica - Daytrippin' Sun...maybe
Breandan, Tiff, and the Spawnlings - Daytrippin' Sat
Laird Fraser of Lovatt - Camping & Daytrippin' Sun.
prothos - Camping 1F - 2G
ravic - Daytrippin'
Bonny Pearl - Camping
Riot - Daytrippin'
Mouse - Camping - Everyone must come out to watch he Brew King Coronation!!
Maeven & family - Daytrippin'
JackGonzo, MD - Daytrippin' Sun.

1001 Dreams - October 18 - 19
Masquerade Ball -
Camping W/ HORD (2B) - xed +12
Camping w/ Clan Destiny - Hector
Camping w/ Pirates of Tortuga - Queen Gynxie Masters
AngieT - Camping H14
JackGonzo, MD - Daytrippin'
Batninja - Camping F23
Rémi Daggerfox - Camping +8
Finn McCool - Camping with family near G1
Sir Martin - hotel

All Hallows Eve - October 25 - 26
Masquerade Ball - LadyJessica and ??, Tink & hubby
Camping w/ Clan McShuggenah (0E) - LadyJessica, Laird Fraser of Lovatt, YRose & Sir Ed, Breandan & Tiff, eloquentXI, Nasty and his Okies, Bonny Pearl, Riot, eldatari & Plus1
Camping w/ P.R. (2D) - RenStarr, KeeperoftheBar & StudMuffin, Maeven & hubby, *Teach* & Lady Trinn
Camping w/ the_Kilt_Troupe (G1 or F0) - ragged tiger +8
Camping w/ Clan Destiny - Hector
Camping w/ Bayou Scoundrels - Capt. Sin, Grov, Pat McGroin, Willa Swallow, +the rest of the Scoundrels
Camping w/ Celtic Rogues - Crimson
Camping w/ Green Flame (4C) - Tink
ravic - Daytrippin'
Sir Martin - Hotel
FreyBjorn - Camping G10 - H11
Batninja - Camping

Pirate Adventure - November 1 - 2
Masquerade Ball - JackGonzo, MD, TINK and hubby
Camping w/ Burning Rennies - Bonny Pearl
Camping w/ Clan Destiny - Hector
Camping w/ Celtic Rogues - Crimson
Camping w/ Clan Mystic Trinity - Lady Laura, Lady Diana and  the rest
eloquentXI - Camping
prothos - Camping 1F - 2G
JackGonzo, MD - Camping

Roman Bacchanal - November 8 - 9
Masquerade Ball -
Pink Pirate, Lady Stitch, and Fuzzlet+10 - Camping C - D 7
Bonny Pearl - Camping
haleyileaha and hubby - Camping
Breandan & Tiff - Camping

Barbarian Invasion - November 15 - 16
Masquerade Ball -
Camping w/ Clan Destiny - Hector
Camping w/ Clan Mystic Trinity - Lady Laura, Lady Diana and  the rest
Camping w/ Pirates of Tortuga - Queen Gynxie Masters and the whole clan
Bonny Pearl - Camping
Mouse - Camping
cjacksonii - Camping

Highland Fling - November 22 - 23
Masquerade Ball -
Camping w/ QOH - SirRichardBear
Camping w/ Celtic Rogues - Crimson
Bonny Pearl - Camping
Maeven & family - Daytrippin'

Celtic Christmas - November 28 - 30
Masquerade Ball - xed
Camping W/ Clan DragonAss (3G - 4H) - Valeria Skyye
Camping W/ HORD (2B) - xed +12
Camping W/ P.R. - *Teach* & Lady Trinn, SirRichardBear
Camping w/ Meow Meow Buccaneers - Crimson
Camping w/ Pirates of Tortuga - Queen Gynxie Masters
Breandan & Tiff - Daytrippin' Sat.
Laird Fraser of Lovatt - Camping & Daytrippin' Sun.
Bonny Pearl - Camping
Maeven & family - Daytrippin'
Duke & Dutchess Dozier - Camping +kiddo.

Lady-in-Lacing to QOE
Director of Social Tourture for the Empire
Gneaitheas Gnomie (DG#290)


KP, I'm still using the map from last year and I know there were people that added in their spots in last years thread so you may want to look through it before you update.  Also, McShuggenah's spot is really just above row 24 between D-E.   ;D
Lady-in-Lacing to QOE
Director of Social Tourture for the Empire
Gneaitheas Gnomie (DG#290)


Oktoberfest- daytripping Saturday with the whole family (me, Tiff, and the Spawnlings)
AHE- Tiff and I, camping with McShug
Barbarian- Tiff and I, camping... actually, no idea who we're camping with.
Celtic Christmas- Daytripping Saturday
Author, bladesmith, and fuzzy teddybear.

"I've fought my wars and drank my mead in this life, the afterlife for me will be one endless renaissance festival with an old-school tabletop game store the size of a Costco next door ;D " - me


Thank you impatient person number one!  ;D ;)  Now to get impatient person number two to post up.
Lady-in-Lacing to QOE
Director of Social Tourture for the Empire
Gneaitheas Gnomie (DG#290)


Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara


FYI, the dense woods from A12-B22 has been cleared of the small stuff. That means the entire area shown in columns A and B are available for camping. That may result in some folks relocating, as the dense woods that used to be at the back side of their camp is no longer there.

If you are planning on camping in this new area this year, remember the soil hasn't been packed down (remember last year's mud pits in the then new area down to the Faire entrance).

Also, if your group is going to setup camp in the old overflow parking lanes and not going to fill it, please do not block access to the rest of the row. If you can fill the row, then you may setup an entrance barrier.

See everyone in October or sooner.


Roman Bacchanal weekend - Pink Pirate, Lady Stitch, and Fuzzlet with 12 other people. We are camping in D 14-15ish. And as of right now none of us have masquerade tickets.
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Opening Sunday(although i'll be out the Saturday afternoon)

AHE... Land grabbing...Thursday thru Sunday

Closing Sunday(Same as Opening)

Laird Nasty and his OK clan will be rolling in for AHE and should be sitting at the gate, sipping a cold beverage, with yours truly, buttcrack of dawn Thursday...
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


Opening weekend - camping with Green Flame

Will be out at least one day each weekend, not sure which other weekends I'll be camping.  The hubby will be camping most weekends, but not with a clan (that I know of).

*Edited to add that hubby and I will be attending the Masquerade Ball on AHE, and will be camping afterwards (most likely with Green Flame)
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. - W. Shakespeare

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


Not in a clan but plan on camping opening and pirate, planing 1 more but not sure yet


Daytripping - Opening & AHE + whenever else I can make it out.


And there's impatient person number two...


Lady-in-Lacing to QOE
Director of Social Tourture for the Empire
Gneaitheas Gnomie (DG#290)


AHE with PR for sure.  Day tripping with family on a "yet to be determined" Saturday.  Tickets have been purchased, just waiting on the fall to get here.

**Update**  Day tripping on Saturday Nov 22nd with family.
Spiced rum....hmmmmm
Greetings, try this.
Starr Gazzer.
2013 TRF AHE RenNado.....heck of a night