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Started by *Teach*, January 14, 2009, 08:06:31 PM

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Quote from: Tipsy Gypsy on April 10, 2009, 10:16:55 PM
  I can never find anything to buy because it seems like the clothing manufacturers think that all plus sized women should wear god awful ugly prints and shirts with weird necklines instead of a simple, normal collar.   :-\

If it's any comfort, petite sizes are the same way. Apparently they think that we actually want to dress like Shirley bleeping Temple. Gads. :P

YES, thank you!!!  Just because I'm a little short doesn't mean I want to dress like a seven-year-old or a seventy-year-old!  It's also pretty difficult sometimes to find anything smaller than a size 10.  Yeah, yeah, I know, poor me.

Anyone else hate those stupid monotone Comcast commercials?


So I'm not the only one having a hard time finding a small size in clothing.  I think it is a conspiracy against all sizes.  Find anything cute but not in your size.
May the stars always shine upon you and yours.

Royal Order of Landsharks Guppy # 98 :)

Poldugarian Warrior

Yeah, hate all these commercials you've mentioned. The Geico ones, with the lizard were funny, but their getting dry, and the whole stack of money with eyes campaign just isn't funny. The Burger King king is creepy, but I find he's more funny looking than creepy. So I don't mind that. And those sleeping pill and cold/allergy medicine commercials, that are made from stuff  that's in your food. But, man enough with the ED commercials they make middle age men look like they have all lost their mojo, and I'm just hopin when I get to those ages, I don't experience the same. I think there's something else going on in our environment that is affecting our health and well being and instead of tryin to solve those problems/causes, they just aleviate the symptoms caused by those negative effects from the environment we live and work in by telling evryone take a chemically engineered drug and evrythin will be just find. It's just a way for these companies to make buku bucks. While the real problems/causes are never found or remedied. Sorry to preach/rant/rave, but corporate America/World has gotten out of control.

Count Adolfo

On that clothing aside, I find it's also true of garb.  Us bigger guys have a bit of trouble finding much that gets bigger than a 48 when it comes to doublets, etc. so it's even in the Rennie world.  Someone stop them!

The Money You Could Be Saving With GEICO ad campaign is proof that the folks who do their advertising sometimes come up with stuff drunk...
probably was hilarious when they were sitting around finishing off a fifth of whatever poison they favour, but to the rest of us, it's just stupid.
I agree the loud commercials are annoying, too... sometimes ten times as loud as the show you were watching and scare the Dickens out of you when they come on...

I originally thought the RenFaire one was hilarious but the more I see it, the more it annoys me... because, in truth, it's kinda making fun of Faire, not promoting it.

The Viagra one... omg... my son Falcone was watching TV with me and heard them say "make sure to check with your doctor to see if you're healthy enough for sexual activity"
Falcone, who is 8, says "I'm never doing that."
I asked... "What?"
"Sex" he replied.  OMG... I usually hate those commercials but I couldn't stop laughing... because now whenever I see the commercial, I hear his little innocent response...

let's see if he's singing that song in 9 years.

Lady Neysa

Those free credit report commercials get on my nerves.  I agree on the one about faire. When I first saw it, I also thought it was cute, but they really are casting us in a bad light. The one I REALLY despise though, is the one where he "married his dream girl, but she didn't tell me her credit was bad".  So, dude, you "fell in love" with someone, married her, but then found out her credit was bad and decided you made a mistake based solely on her credit? He sings "if only he'd known, he'd be a happy bachelor with a dog and a yard."  How shallow.  Shouldn't one discuss financial issues and goals before getting married, that way if you discover you're too incompatible, it's not too late? I know it's just a silly commercial, but the whole thing is a real sore spot with me.  Obviously it's important to maintain good credit, but just because someone may have credit issues, doesn't automatically mean they are of low character/moral fiber/lazy scumbags or whatever, yet that's what the credit bureaus want the mass populace to believe.  The fact that many employers won't hire you with a low credit score with the assumption that  you must not be trustworthy or if you can't even manage your money you probably can't do anything else either  - is absolutely  unfair.  Sometimes people just have a run of bad luck that has nothing to do with their work ethics or how honest they are, yet they are practically treated like criminals.  I know employers have to protect themselves and don't want to take the time to weed out the bad from the good, but it still stinks. 
No, my credit isn't perfect, but I would feel this way even if it were.


Quote from: Lady Neysa on April 11, 2009, 09:18:03 AM
Those free credit report commercials get on my nerves.  I agree on the one about faire. When I first saw it, I also thought it was cute, but they really are casting us in a bad light. The one I REALLY despise though, is the one where he "married his dream girl, but she didn't tell me her credit was bad".  So, dude, you "fell in love" with someone, married her, but then found out her credit was bad and decided you made a mistake based solely on her credit? He sings "if only he'd known, he'd be a happy bachelor with a dog and a yard."  How shallow.  Shouldn't one discuss financial issues and goals before getting married, that way if you discover you're too incompatible, it's not too late? I know it's just a silly commercial, but the whole thing is a real sore spot with me.  Obviously it's important to maintain good credit, but just because someone may have credit issues, doesn't automatically mean they are of low character/moral fiber/lazy scumbags or whatever, yet that's what the credit bureaus want the mass populace to believe.  The fact that many employers won't hire you with a low credit score with the assumption that  you must not be trustworthy or if you can't even manage your money you probably can't do anything else either  - is absolutely  unfair.  Sometimes people just have a run of bad luck that has nothing to do with their work ethics or how honest they are, yet they are practically treated like criminals.  I know employers have to protect themselves and don't want to take the time to weed out the bad from the good, but it still stinks. 
No, my credit isn't perfect, but I would feel this way even if it were.

I really hate the dream girl commercial too, for exactly the same reason. 

Prospective employers check your credit score?  Really?  Holy crap, it *has* been a long time since I hunted for a job...


Discover Channel has a new series coming called "Pitchmen"
Yep, Billy freakin Mays
What chimp do they have running that channel?

*no rum for them! Bad science channel!*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Poldugarian Warrior

Lady Neysa is right, you shoudl never base a relationship solely on money and credit. And you're right some people just run into bad luck. But, commercials are always to the extreme and are never really practical. So I'm with you on that 100%.

Jade Sapphire Emerald

I'm a bakery opener. I have to be at work at 4am. So I wake up with enough time to ride my bike to work at 3 am.

I don't even know which sleep drug it is, but the one that says "Tired of morning coming in the middle of the night?" I always yell "YES!" in response, before I realize that it's a friggin commercial for sleep meds...I hate that commercial because it teases me with sleep...stupid commercial...stupid work...
-Formerly Emerald Rogue-
-AKA Jaden Karr-


Quote from: *Teach* on April 11, 2009, 07:09:14 PM
Discover Channel has a new series coming called "Pitchmen"
Yep, Billy freakin Mays
What chimp do they have running that channel?

*no rum for them! Bad science channel!*

But I believe I heard a clip that said "Billy is the worst person to work for" or something to that extent.  Maybe they will get down and show the dirty side of these people?

Capt. Marga
Corp Capt Marga, Dame Den Mother, Scarborough Royal Guard.  Keeper of the Costume Closet.  Artist, Rennie, Etc, etc, etc

Poldugarian Warrior

Don't feel bad Jade, I used to work mornings and even though I had to be in at 6AM I'd wake up at 4AM to beat traffic and drive slow in the snow. And I could never get enough sleep either. But, those drugs will do you more harm than good. Just grab a big glass of milk before bed, and it'll give you a deep sleep and then in the mornin a big cup of java. That's what I did and I felt I slept quite well. These commercials really don't care about our well being they're just there to make a buck. I've started to get back to reading books too. But, I have DVR and I too just fast forward through all them. It's liek if I want to go see a product and compare prices and see and read about them I'll go to the store.


Maybe it is a regional thing, but I can't stand the idiot in the Sonic commercials!
Peddlin M'Crack
Countess of Tyrone
IWG #3790, Local 96

Poldugarian Warrior

Those Sonic commercials are hit or miss for me.


Hillshire Farms Deli Meats.  Lamo pseudo rapping rhyming, Annoying beyone all tolerance.

Hillshire Farms, Go Meat!!!

Dayna Thomas
Nixie's Mom
Bristol FoF Hench
Education Goddess...yeah, right
FoF Merchant Liason/Merchandizing Maven


I HATE the Education Connection commercials...I always end up with that stupid song stuck in my head all day!!! The guy in the Sonic commercials is pretty annoying as well...noone can really be that idiotic, seriously.
Royal Order of Lansharks Guppy No. 70