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how did RENdezvous go?

Started by beeboy, May 25, 2008, 12:15:03 PM

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indulge all of us who couldnt make it this year


Great faire, had a blast! I'm actually sittinng at the airport in St. Louis right now...dumb layovers... >:(
Royal Taster Of The Scotch
Peep Sniper

Marietta Graziella

MG here.  I'm at the TN airport.  My flight isn't due out for another hour and it's already delayed. ::)

The RenDezVous was everything I could've hoped for.  Meeting wonderful new friends and enjoying the beautiful setting for the festival.  The deep woods and sloped terrain was, at times, challenging to traverse.  More than one ankle cried out from being turned on the rocks.  What a change from my home faire of MN where we have sparse shade and mostly even surfaces.  Even the tables were set on slants so steep that food and drink were seen to go sliding right off.  And in the case of one poor chap whos friends parked his wheelchair facing down hill, the sloop proved too much and he went tumbling from his chair when he reached towards his shoe!  (it should be noted that Laird M'Crack and Scotsman did their drunken best to assist, he was, nonetheless undamaged by their ministrations)

The weather was quite warm (to me) but the slight breeze and ample shade, a hoop skirt and some cleverly placed ice ;) made the days easily enjoyed.  

Who was I most surprised by?  Regardless of any pictures you've seen, or not seen, as the case may be with the more shy members, a person forms a mental picture of the person on the other side of the name...   I was most surprised by Old Tinker and Bell.  
This charming couple greeted me with a smile and warm hugs like a long lost family member.  We had only a short time to visit since there were so many people to meet and so much to see but I was  happy for the time we had, the few moments shared.  

Who will I remember most?    Hmmm...  that one is harder to answer.  Will I remember my first introduction to Welsh Wench at the TN airport? Well, who can forget Wenchie's energy?  ;D  Scottsman for his good hearted teasing from Friday night? Yes, I'm sure I didn't drop anything else!  :o   Escarlata and Leinad for the lovely handfasting ceremony?  I hope all that lipstick came off from that wenching you received!  :-* The spectacle of Syrilla the queen?  How does that petit woman carry all the gown?!? :D  The infamous Molden and Lord Jarhead...  So many more people stand out in my mind.  I do not mean to exclude anyone for you all have left me with many memories.  Some, probably better off forgotten. :o  ;) :D
But, I think I will remember the time I spent with Cap't Spleen/Sean Daniels.  He was my escort from the Teer auction on Saturday afternoon.  I must guiltily admit to enjoying the extra attention I received while strolling the grounds with him during our 2 hours.  We were often stopped with requests for pictures and a bit of banter with many patrons, particularly the children.  Captain Spleen does strike a rather daring figure and could be  intimidating to the children.  Fortunately Sean Daniels was always close at hand to soothe their fears and invite them in for a phtograph.  We also shared a rather extended dance with Queen Bonnie.  I didn't think that song would ever end!   I hope that I can be as good a host(ess) to those who come to my faire.

Any permanent damage?  Well, a couple of people fell out from the heat, some heads required copious amounts of aspirin in the mornings and some knees were most definately wounded during Musical Men but overall I think we all came out unscathed and none the worse for wear from the weekends enjoyments. Of course, this is speaking from one who did leave early Monday and there is yet an entire day to go!

I will, along with many others, post pictures of the weekend very soon.  Until then you'll have to be content with this.   ;D

*edit add*  Made it home safely.  Thanks again everyone, for a great weekend!!!
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.


Sounds like it was wonderful.
Glad you enjoyed it, MG!
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL

Lady Guinness

It was a very nice weekend. I want to send a huge thank you to Lady Nicki and Welsh Wench. Thank you for all your hard work to make everyone feel at home and comfortable. It was wonderful to spend time with both of you. Queen Bonnie, it was a pleasure to meet you and walk the lanes together, I enjoyed our conversations immensely and I look forward to seeing you again. I hope everyone has a safe trip home  ;D


I wish to echo the huzzahs started by Lady Guinness and others, what a great weekend and a most excellent time made even better by the friendship and calm leadership of Lady Nicky and Welsh Wench. These two really really were able to herd cats...Blessings to both of you!

Great memories...tailgating before opening, excellent mimosas...once again being able to place faces with names...OMG its Queen Bonnie...Guinness in the back of van...was it my imagination or did just about everyone have a flask...taking over the picnic area next to the Red Hook Pub and starting our own tavern...numerous picture requests by the mundanes...signing the sing and Beggars to God...77, yep 77 people at dinner on Sunday evening...a great fundraiser, the auction, for RESCU...Escarlata explaining the rules to Musical Men (Ladies! Your BUTT has to be on his knee!)...400 dollars and Spam...the pub running out of stout...a beautiful wedding...Wench and Nicky herding cats...opening gate prizes...very warm weather...Rennies and Rogues we have a lost child alert...BLUE did what...Dead Man's Tavern writer pictures for the hard back edition coming this fall...plenty of old friends we just met.
"Badges? We don't need no stinkin badges!"

Capt Lucy

I had an absolutely fantastic time!  After the cruddy year I had in the ren world there were times I had almost hung my hat and quit faire altogether.  Going this weekend and meeting new friends and seeing old ones reminded me of the family and friends who love me and why I love ren faire.  You all are the best!  I can't thank you enough for welcoming me into your hearts  :)

Until we meet again...I raise a glass to you all!
Dame Lucy, Captain of the Crimson Phoenix
IWG #2772 L77 Madame Emeritus
Booty'n Penny
Ette, R/F, IFORP, Merc, FOKTOP, Rengeek blah blah blah...


Quote from: Hibernian on May 26, 2008, 04:49:53 PM
OMG its Queen Bonnie...

That was by far one of the biggest and best surprises! So glad I got to meet her FINALLY!

Like everyone else, I too would like to say how much fun it was to see familiar faces and meet new ones this weekend. Also thanks to the wonderful ladies who organized and made this RENdezvous a huge success! Also congratulations to Escarlata and Leinad and thank you for allowing us to be a part of your special day. Also thanks to everyone there, you all helped convert two more into rennies! Huzzah!

Until we meet again!
Slack'n Penny -  Chieftess, Clan Byrne of the IPB
IFRP# 1264 IWG #3575
RoOL 26 | Castleteer | ETTE


It was a great time. I'm so glad some many made  it.
Twenty seasons of covering renaissance  festivals. Photos/calendar/blog.
Fairy photographer


I remember landing in TN .. then getting a car and heading south ... next thing I remember we were heading North to the airport ... Lady Guinness said we had a great time though  ;D

Seriously, thanks to everyone for putting up with me, and to our gracious host - awesome job! It was great seeing the family again and sharing the weekend with all. I hope everyone got home safe!
Kilted Rogue #1411
Irish Penny BDE - Flattn'
Teer for life
RFC #56
Was that my inside voice?


Many thanks to Lady Nicolette, Welsh Wench, RFP and BMGJarvis for all their efforts in planning such a wonderful gathering.  It could not have been more perfect.
IWG #3440
Landshark #19


Lady Nicolette, Welsh Wench, RFP and BMGJarvis, I too am so grateful for your months of planning and organization. Rendezvous was absolutely perfect in every way. Thank you.


Wow, what a weekend! The fun started at Bluesboro Friday night and went on all weekend long. Not even the cruddy weather Monday afternoon could dampen people's spirits. It was all truly magical!
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

I really liked turning Musical Men into a mosh pit!   :o
"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


What an awesome weekend.  I'd like to thank everyone who came to share in the enjoyment of our home faire.  Niki, Brenda, RFP and Wenchie did an awesome job getting things together.

It was so wonderful to finally meet a lot of the faces I've seen and corresponded with here on the forum.  It made my homecoming to Tennessee that much more enjoyable.

Hard to believe, a gathering of just a few two years ago became so huge this year!  I hope to see even more of you next year!