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New Campground Rules

Started by ourevilone, November 04, 2008, 06:15:01 AM

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I've gotten those looks also. You can't please everyone, So In the past I just moved along. If there not friendly now they wont be after their drinking.


To meet some of these larger groups, I think us newbies could use 'sponsors'.  In other words, someone we meet here in the forums could meet us onsite and introduce us to the rest of the clan later that evening.  Maybe then we wouldn't feel so intrusive.

I'm just sayin'...    ;D

I should also add that I'm bringing a TRF newbie along, and I've told him about all the festivities outside the fair, too.  I really want him to see that side of TRF as well.  I figure meeting a large group of other Rennies is the way to go.

It ain't the years, it's the mileage.

Element of Air

Pulled this from the TRF Playtron Camping Sticky thread that seems to have been forgotten.

This was put together by some of us here and where were all claim to be. Some of us are not on here due to not being members of the Forums, but this is as best we have.

Quote from: mpullen on July 11, 2008, 06:31:27 PM
Updated 11/03/08

BTW- The green shaded areas are the areas to avoid on rainy weekends.

Please note that this is not a reservation list. It is only for indicating the areas that a group plans on setting up camp on the indicated weekends. If someone gets there first, then all bets are off.

Week 5 - November 8 - 9 Roman Bacchanal

2A-3B      Drunken Gnomes
8A-9C      McLotofus
26G-26H  Cult of the Green Flame
7E-8F     Avalon
6D-7E     Safe Haven
7D-8E     Armageddon
3D-4F     Pirates of Poseidon
3C-4D     Redstar
10E-11E  Vahalla/Brigadoon

Week 6 - November 15 - 16 Highland Fling

2A-3B       Drunken Gnomes
8A-9C        McLotofus
11E-12F     Brothers of St. Arnulf
11J-12J      Lady Laura
18L           Dun Na Dochartaigh
23B-24C    Scraborough QOH
26G-26H    Cult of the Green Flame
7E-8F     Avalon
6D-7E     Safe Haven
7D-8E     Armageddon
3D-4F     Pirates of Poseidon
3C-4D     Redstar
10E-11E  Vahalla/Brigadoon

Week 7 - November 22 - 23 Barbarian Invasion

2A-3B       Drunken Gnomes
8A-9C       McLotofus
26G-26H   Cult of the Green Flame
7E-8F     Avalon
6D-7E     Safe Haven
7D-8E     Armageddon
3D-4F     Pirates of Poseidon
3C-4D     Redstar
10E-11E  Vahalla/Brigadoon

Week 8 - November 28 - 30 Celtic Christmas

Thanksgiving dinner Thursday evening at McLotofus

1C-2D       Camp Procrastination
2A-4B       Drunken Gnomes
8A-9C       McLotofus
26G-26H   Cult of the Green Flame
7E-8F     Avalon
6D-7E     Safe Haven
7D-8E     Armageddon
3D-4F     Pirates of Poseidon
3C-4D     Redstar
10E-11E  Vahalla/Brigadoon
Royal Duchess of Air, Music and Beauty in the court of Queen Bonnie.
Royal Order of Landsharks, Guppy No. 25


Yeah, I saw that, too.  Printed it out to bring along, just in case.   Thanks!   ;)

It ain't the years, it's the mileage.


Quote from: eldatari on November 04, 2008, 02:50:39 PM
Does anyone know if the no taping off rule is true or is it just rumor.  I would probably continue to tape off your area until you get conformation that this is the case from the security.  If they come by and say that you can't do it just apologize and take it down.  No harm done.

It is not a rumor. Mike and Charlie rolled through on Sunday night telling people about it.

Grumble Grumble Grumble...

It isn't the ravers that are the worst of combative campers. It's the older folks that I have found getting into the most fights over camping spaces. Most of the silly children will sulk away with a stern "if you camp here I will kill you in your sleep" look. It's the older crowd that has yelled, threatened, and hit.


o.k. I'm confused, what is supposed to be accomplished by not letting people mark an area. even when it is really crowded i see lots of space, the only issue i've noticed is everyone seems to want to camp on one spot on one weekend.  at the Celtic Rogues i know we rope off a big area, if you need a spot we will be more than happy to accomodate you or reduce our area, sometimes its just hard to guess how many people may be coming.  p.s. charlie and mike didn't say anything to us about getting rid of our chains ,torches and flags which surround our camp.

Captain Kilian

What's being accomplished probably seemed like a good idea to someone who probably hasn't been to or around the camp ground much. All I know is that I really hope people DO NOT b!t(h about things so much that we incur even further 'wrath from on high'. I mean really, we can deal with it, an odds are after a week or to, things will lighten up again once the real problems are gone.

Looking at it that way is kind of a logical plan too - clamp down on all, those that shout and make a fuss the most are likely to be most the problem - get rid of those you are left with only the people who REALLY want to be there no matter what. things would then likely go back to normal. (Just an observation from how I've seen countless other situations play out in the past).
"I'd like to thank all the little people...that just never saw it coming." - Me
Royal Order of the Landshark, Guppy 14


Word to the wise, start dropping your gear and parking your cars in reeeeaaallly big squares. ;-)


It might be just a effort to reduce the amount of trash that needs to be picked up after the weekend.   I have noticed that the tape does seem to get broken and end up blowing all around the campgrounds by Sunday morning. 
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for something, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Benjamin Franklin


Hearing all the new rules of the campground make me thankful im camping with the Participants all the remaining weekends cept the weekend of the 22nd we will be camping in the patrons camp. The Whole roping off thing can be irritating sometimes for some campers. When i get there i try to figure out the space needed for guest to come. Hell weekend of the 18th we camped took a small spot and there was ALOT of room behind our camp. No one claimed the spot. Roping off camps has it benefits. Most of the time it keeps the drunkards off of your camp and out of your stuff. Now people are going to complain about people walking through camps and unwelcome visitors. I have a feeling rules are going to get even stricter in the future. I wish it could be like the old days.  :(


hmmm wonder if all the changes have to do with people being disgruntled and asking for TRF to fix things?


Quote from: ScoutColt on November 05, 2008, 06:02:03 AM
hmmm wonder if all the changes have to do with people being disgruntled and asking for TRF to fix things?

Well, I for one am glad they are listening!
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara


Give 'em credit, they are trying to fix the worst of the problems. Granted, I'd love to be able to mark things off, but if we can't, we can't. We know where we like to be, and we'll have ot find a way to deal with the new arrangement.
Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy


Quotehmmm wonder if all the changes have to do with people being disgruntled and asking for TRF to fix things?

In a nutshell, yes.

I understand asking for changes in camp, esp. with the riff raff, druggies and trouble making mundanes...and the officers out there are doing a great job, and doing all they can (they are outnumbered after all) to make the camp a great place like it used to be.

However, like I mentioned in the other thread about this...I think talking to Charlie, Mike and the other officers out there is the more wiser choice than calling the TRF office complaining. They could and CAN very easily just nix the whole camp ground and not think twice about it. It's one thing to be grateful for them enforcing some changes, but after awhile, they are going to start getting pretty tired of the complaints.

The ground fires are a hazard...common sense tells us that. How many mundane morons have we seen fall over them, burn themselves badly, kick embers, etc? Using raised fire pits is just safer all around. That rule doesn't bother me in the least. The roping off...same thing. We have peeps show up way early and can keep our area clear for us late arrivals just by keeping an eye out for mundanes wanting to set up in certain areas and talking to them. I understand the whole "first come first serve" deal, but I'm getting tired of people who KNOW who we all are, KNOW where we camp every weekend and blatantly not giving a sh*t. We had a group come in a few seasons back, start setting up RIGHT in the middle of Valhalla and when we tried talking to them about the area, the guy told me flat out "I know it's Valhalla. We got here first." Nice attitude. Until OurEvilOne showed up in the bus and parked it RIGHT next to them. Then they had the nerve to get pissy with all of us and grudgingly moved, after getting one of the officers out there, saying we were all disrespectful. All we did was tell them "well they'll all get here and set up camp as usual. They won't care if you're there or not."

We've always done our best to "police" our own camp....advising people we don't know setting up camp near us for the first time that it gets pretty hairy, noisy and if they want to get any sleep, they should camp elsewhere. Not all of us are mean about it, only when its warranted. We've also bounced quite a few morons out of our area.

I just think that we all should just let it lie for a little bit, and see what happens.
I'd rather laugh with the sinners, then cry with the saints.


Well then, so we don't have defined borders. All our clans will run together and form a stronger family unit, one that will look out for one another. At least that's what I'm hoping. It just means that a couple of people will have to keep watch on the area to make sure that it's not occupied. I see late night "watchmen" in our future LOL.

I think that Mike and Charlie are doing a fabulous job, and I don't mind the rule changes. We'll find ways to come to terms with them and keep on truckin. I love my clan, and my camp, and McLotofus isn't going ANYWHERE!
Blaidd Drwg