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What is your favorite coffee cup?

Started by Welsh Wench, January 18, 2010, 08:59:12 AM

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My most recent BLT (Blue Lion Tavern) mug.  A limited amount of these are made each year and sold at the BLT after hours.
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IWG# 3681
ROL #101


It is a Minnesota Renaissance Festival mug. From the 28th season. Dark blue lower part dark green upper. A knight riding a horse carrying a banner along with the MNRF info on it.

It is my favoritest mug ever. For a couple reasons.

I love it, and the color. And a friend bought it for me. In 1998 I took my bride to MNRF's Feast of Fantasy. Afterwards she was on me about the souvenir mugs we got. "We needed more like this". She couldn't understand that my mug collection and the memories from each and every feast meant a lot to me.

So my friend Marshal bought me the mug. He knew I liked it and the colors, but because of the wife I'd never buy it for myself. I've used it at work ever since.

Thankfully the wife is long gone. Thankfully Marshal will always be my friend. Thankfully I still have and use the mug he gave me.

It is nice to be reminded how great life is, when someone really cares about you.


It is a plain forest green bowl shaped mug, but it is large. It holds twice as much as a regular coffee mug. My BF and his son make fun of my big mug. Then I remind them that I don't have to go back as many times as they do. 8)

"Normal is not as common as you think."

Chuck'n M'Crack

I have 2, either my AF cup or my large cup with a flying eagle scene on it! ;D
Lord Kelley of Screen
Son In Law
Son-in-Law to Laird Guard'n
IBRS #1554 Landshark #102
Captain Of The Guard (R.A.G.G


Will a hot chocolate mug do?  I have one that's black with orange-striped witches socks and buckled shoes on one.  Also have a zebra-striped one here at work.  Or the "Deadline, what deadline" (being an editor...LOL).

Corp Capt Marga, Dame Den Mother, Scarborough Royal Guard.  Keeper of the Costume Closet.  Artist, Rennie, Etc, etc, etc

Lady Mikayla of Phoenicia

It is a hand thrown mug made right here in the Kakalakees... the colours are a muted rainbow.  Mad Jack wanna trade for a day??? 
"Embrace those who love you and rid yourself of those who bring you down."


This is my favorite coffee cup...refilling it now as we speak.

R/ member since 2003


My work one (until I recently retired from the Corps) was a regular sized white mug from my time with the OKC Intermural Pistol League.  I never washed the inside; it became quite stained, and quite the topic of conversation of all non-coffee drinkers (they didn't understand the patina).  At home, we have a set of ceramic dishes we bought years ago that came with oversized mugs (holds about two normal mugs of coffee).  Heavy ceramic, plain white with a blue stripe around them.

HINT:  If you ever go on a cruise, bring your own coffee mug along.  It will hold more, and you will always know where you set it down.


It's one that says "Stress:The confusion caused when ones mind overrides the body's natural desire to choke the ____ out of some idiot that desperately deserves it."  I've had it since college.

Lady Renee Buchanan

A hand thrown mug purchased at the Dubuque Renaissance Faire in 2008.  The bottom is larger than the top, and there are swirls made by fingers on the side, on an angle.

The mug is a combination of purples, blues, pinks, and some white.  It is beautiful.  I looked at the potter's work for a full day on Saturday.  When I went back the next day with Steve (he worked on Saturday, so I went with friends), I kept looking at it every time we walked by, and finally he said, just buy it, so I did.
A real Surf Diva
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Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
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All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Marietta Graziella

My fave coffee mug is any of my old MNRF mugs from my friend.  When he died, his wife was going to throw them all away.  I convinced her to let me "hold onto them" for their daughter for when she got older.  Now, whenever "The Gang" comes over, we all grab his mugs, be it for coffee or bee,r and toast to a dear departed friend.
Nothing clever to say here.  Not enough caffine yet.


Well, I don't drink coffee, but my husband thinks it's hilarious that I drink Earl Grey Tea out of my oversized Harley mug.  That's my fav in the cabinet.
MDRF FoF Charter Member
IWG #3798

Queen Bonnie

 I drink tea out of a mug too. Both mine have cats on them! PURRRFECT!
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


Tough call . . .

I have two.  One is a gift which shows my wife and I, in Civil War garb, at a Regimental Ball which was one of the first things we ever did as a couple.  The other is a cup I stole from my office in Berlin where I was the Senior Defense Counsel for US Army Berlin and the Berlin Brigade.  It was one out of the mess hall and was originally issued in the 1970's.  Plain cup with "US" on the bottom.
"It's not the gold that sets our sails, 'tis freedom and the promise of a better life that raises our black flags."