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New Campground Rules

Started by ourevilone, November 04, 2008, 06:15:01 AM

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Catherine DArtois

HUbby and I did the tarp thing for one couple who we knew were coming into Mclotofus late.  It actually helped us a great deal to know how close we could stack things like: kitchen, privvy, fire and other tents.  It's a great idea.  Plus, the tarps are easier to relocate than a whole tent (ask Charles, I made him move theirs at least five times before it was "perfect!")  Also, if we pull in rel tight, like the Scarby pirates tried to do, and park our vehicles round the edge of camp (making sure somebody has one free for Wal-Mart runs), that should set things off nicely.
Campfire Chili Mistress
Clan McLotofus


The tarp idea is excellent.  And they make great ground covers, just leave them down and set the tent up on top of them. 

One thing I've done in the past is to try to get the tents of my campers early in the week.  It takes me most of the day to set up my camp, but when I'm done no one can argue about my claimed land because I've already got a structure there.  And my clan loves it because they roll in late Friday night and don't have to worry about setting up a tent.
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara

~*Lovely Lisa*~

Quote from: batninja on November 04, 2008, 05:07:25 PM
Quote from: ~*Lovely Lisa*~ on November 04, 2008, 05:00:53 PM
Honestly if you would like to meet us... going to the bigger known camps are the way to do it... most people know where us brigadoon and valhalla campers are...

I've tried that in the past with some of the camps, but we mostly get looked at as either moochers or simple passers-by.  Believe, I bring alot of my own food.   :)

Is there a secret handshake or salute I don't know about?  I just always feel like we're intruding on sacred ground, without even setting foot in camp.

well if steph doesn't mind I don't mind being the Brigadoon Forum Liason.  At least if we've met you on here we know you aren't just the riff raff that comes through and causes problems. 

I'm not trying to volunteer Blue for anything, but I see her as well being a Liason for her campmates...
"Not all who wander are lost."
J.R.R. Tolkein


Quote from: KiltedPrivateer on November 05, 2008, 12:20:45 PM
The tarp idea is excellent.  And they make great ground covers, just leave them down and set the tent up on top of them. 

One thing I've done in the past is to try to get the tents of my campers early in the week.  It takes me most of the day to set up my camp, but when I'm done no one can argue about my claimed land because I've already got a structure there.  And my clan loves it because they roll in late Friday night and don't have to worry about setting up a tent.

THAT is a brilliant idea! I'd never thought of it, nor would have. I'd even be willing to do the same for clan members upon request.
Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy


i'll be sure to keep that in mind.

Lady Mousie

I actually had to drive past Thorne's camp on the way in to camp. Just got out said "Hey there's a spot there to drive through, do you guys think you can keep it open?" He said no problem just don't break the tape." As long as you respect other peoples stuff there should be no problem with it. It's really hard to keep a clear path on anyside out of Brigadoon and Valhalla. Yes there was a wedding in camp this weekend so all the more reason to be protective over the area if it's people we don't know trying to encroach. 2 weekends ago there was a guy who wanted to drive up in the middle of our camp and set up a 17 foot trampoline as well as his camp. How would you like that in the middle of your camp? I chased off probably 4 or 5 carloads of people myself not including the rest of the cars others in my camp persuaded not to camp there.

I will say we were on the back side this weekend near "The Moos" Very loud bunch mooing and getting lost all night, sort of funny in a way. They had a huge area marked off and didn't use hardly half of it. So there's alot of pros and cons about people roping off their areas. There's alot of pros and cons about roping off. I know first weekend a guy on a motorcycle was clothes lined when he was riding through camp. Ouch!
Chaingang wench
Mother to Reignbeau Dawn aka Mini Mouse


I have a feeling that if the complaining, Drugs and fighting over campsites doesnt stop George will shut down the camp ground completely. No offense to anyone. I love all you guys and i consider everyone of you family. Dont think there will be a camping next year. I hope im wrong......... :( This is just a big mess.........


That is my thought too SolRac....I'd be super pissed if these posts get out of hand....again....and there is no camping next year. Let it lie for now people, please.
I'd rather laugh with the sinners, then cry with the saints.


I agree with you Solrac. We know full well there are cast members in the upper echelon here, and I'm sure they've spoken of some of these threads. I'm sure word of what we speak of has reached the ears of those who pay attention to these kinds of things... and if they made it that far, they've made it to the lawyers who dread these kinda occurences.

I'm not saying it's all this forum (nor am I saying anyone is wrong in what they are asking, it's all true... something needs to be done), because there is more than enough physical evidence to be seen and reported by the security etc, but I'll bet you good money this forum prodded them into action, and now that action is being taken it won't stop until the problem is 100% fixed, because thats how lawyers who want their half million dollar retainer per year work... and the only way your gonna stop bad things from happening in that atmosphere is to shut it down.

We aren't angels. We rennies have our "faire" share of occurences too. Things happen from ALL the major clans and other rennies alike, and no lawyer or person concerned with the legal liability of the campgrounds is going to distinguish rennie from anybody else, which means even if ALL of the problems were removed, WE would still probably cause enough of a problem at this time (due to "rennie threat level orange") that it's gonna get shut down.


That said, from every angle I've looked at theres not really a thing we can do about it persay since we, and other entities have pushed the envelope so far. Us with our open and vocal thoughts about the problems and those actually perpetrating them. Except one thing that hasn't been completely considered.

We spoke about helping security etc as deputies and stuff like that. Thats not gonna be a go. It won't happen. But what can happen is instead of submitting a petition, we can ask that they dont allow anyone under 18 into camping without adult supervision, and then WE volunteer our time to actually stay up at the gate with security and do what they are still kinda lax about... checking to make sure all tickets for each person are preson, checking valid ID's etc etc. We can even setup on saturdays and sundays when everyones in faire. And we can always ask that they rope off the outside line of parking or setup way stations that we can check people there.

It requires we as Rennies to work, but it's a much better good faith and "don't quit on us" gesture than just complaining and saying we'll call in when theres problems. (not saying thats all we do, but that is a large portion of it)

brier patch charlie

There will be camping next year, It's not as bad as it is being made out to be. Yes there are some problems, and Geo is working on them, there were 65 citations given out on the 3 weekend, and a few went to jail. How many were given out on the 4th weekend I don't know. But they are tithing up, I would have made a complant last weekend about the kids in the gulley who had the parachute tent, who blasted music till 5 in the morning. Next time after I tell them once to turn it down and they don't I'll call Charlie and let him sort them out. But other than that I really didn't see any real problems, other than people who roped off more space than they needed. TRF is Geo's baby and he's not going to let it go, deep down he's still a rennie. He was looking at opening up more camp space, last year he did. The more they clamp down, the better camping will get.
Charles Coleman


My clan only camps 1 time a year, but many times it is our only vacation for the year. We moved 3 times this year because we couldn't find a place we liked. The first place we looked I knew previous years had been a large group's area so we moved.  I also saw other rennies coming towards us to warn us.  We have been coming to TRF for 25 years, yes we know there are clans that come every weekend but we aren't sure where their lines are.  If someone comes to us, and is polite about it, we may move, or we may even join their camp.  We may be a one weekend clan but we want our camp just as much as you do, we just aren't as picky about our slot. 

This year we just sat our tents so that we were close together and had our "city built.  We parked our cars so that the tents were protected from late night arrivers, and we were happy. 

We had alot of people come by and talk to us this year, in the past we were always snubbed.  One guy said he would put us down in his 'clan book' as a 'minor clan' so he will look for us again next year.  We like to talk to our fellow rennies not be afraid of you. 
It is kind of strange watching your personal history become costume.


In my experience most clans are pretty cool about politely asking to "move a little". I landed right in the middle of a plot last year unknowingly, and a guy came up and asked me if I'd move about 10 yards over. No problem. I don't mind as long as I'm on level ground. If it's a polite gesture, I'm cooperative. Hell, I wound up hanging out with them that night!

All I ask is that the stupid ones (druggies, ravers, etc) are taken care of. Security seems to be coming down on them, so camping has been far more pleasant lately. HUZZAH to the security guys!!
Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy


TRF rocks... the campgrounds rock.... NUFF SAID!
Blaidd Drwg


Quote from: Lady Mousie on November 05, 2008, 02:11:26 PMI know first weekend a guy on a motorcycle was clothes lined when he was riding through camp. Ouch!

If it was that weed puller monkey who thought it would be a great idea to rev his bike periodically through out the night and then haul weed puller around the campground at 6 in the morning then he deserved it. 

If not, guess he should have been watchin where he was riding.
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara


ROTFLMAO @ weed puller monkey!!!!   ;D :D
A chill in the air, over your shoulder, the Ice Queen's cold stare, you can only be one place. The Texas Ren Faire!