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All Hallow's Eve... the aftermath

Started by Laird Fraser of Lovatt, November 03, 2009, 09:09:37 AM

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Laird Fraser of Lovatt

This may take a while, so bear with me.

For those that were attended, you know that there is only one word that can be used to describe this past weekend... EPIC!

Clan McLotofus put down roots on Row 8 and proceeded to have an outstanding time!  Kudo's to our camp planner (Blue) and all the people that jumped into our kitchen & laid out fantastic food for everyone to enjoy... *Advent, Mead Swilling Lech, Martin Montgomery, Tanyor, and Pop's*  Everyone was ready & willing to put their hands in and get dirty.  The Ladies of the clan were buzzing around like busy bee's, seeing to all the small details that us men usually don't think about or are wont to forget... Thank You, Bonny, Celtic Rose, Guinny, Cindy, Catherine, Blue, Yrose. * I know i forgot some people... kick me in the shin later  ;D*  The inductions into Clan McLotofus were held Saturday night... and except for a faux pax on my part, went off with out a hitch.

The Order of Culloden Moor held it's first offical meet & induction... Rapier Half-Wit, Advent, Martin Montgomery, Black Watch and Mead Swilling Lech are offically Clansmen of Culloden Moor!  Huzzah!

The weather was beyond all expectations... Mother Nature had a fit the night before but camp was high & dry.  You couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend.

Now, on a more personal note...

Breandan... ach, tis was a pleasure to finally meet you, Sir!  I'm so glad you came to camp... i think that i've found another kindred spirit!

Sir Martin... Sir, you will always be welcome at our fire.  Thank you for coming and gracing us with you presence.

Captain Fletcher... Even though you were going to throw me out of faire, i still like you!  Lol

Lord Jarhead... thank you for coming to TRF... your legend grows.  ;)

Captain Sin... Now, Sir, you are a man that i could come to like!  It was great meeting you and your crew!

Lady Dracconia... i saw the surprise on your face when you heard my name... am i that ugly?  Lol!  It was wonderful to see you, Lass.

Rani Zemirah... You have to be near the top of the list when it come to nice people!  I look forward to seeing you again.

Queen Bonnie... i have finally met the one & only... it was a pleasure, Ma'am.

FaeHollow... Ahhhh... Fae, Fae, Fae.... i left you for last for a reason.  Upon hearing that you were looking for me, Saturday, i made a special point to track you down, Sunday.  I knew who you were when i walked up to you but once i looked you in the eye, my brains turned to mush and i completely forgot what i was going to say.  You are a beautiful woman and you do your character credit!  I can't wait to see you again and possibly chat more...  ;)

If i have forgotten anyone, don't take offense... it was one hellva weekend!  HUZZAH!

Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


AHE was most definitely a beautiful weekend.  Tons of fun.  And is it just me or was the camp ground actually tolerable this time?  Huzzah for Security!

I'd like to thank McLotofus, PR, Bayou Scoundrels and the other clans for playing along as we brought our kiddos through for Tricks and Treats. 

It was also very nice to meet some of the forum members that I had not had the chance to meet yet.

Now to prepare for closing weekend - Tons more fun and tons more food (o:
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

DOH!   :o  I forgot you, KP!  It was great to meet you, my friend!
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


Likewise Fraser - As well as the rest of the Order.  Perhaps one of these days I'll be in a position that will allow me to join you fine gentlemen.

{ACK: That sentence is bound to haunt me}
Member of Clan Procrastination
Crew of the Procrastinator
Lover of Lady Kitara

Sir Martin

Fraser - All Hallows was indeed a wonderful weekend and unforgettable experience.  Got to see so many old friends and meet many new ones.  The food, fun and camaraderie was top notch.  My thanks to you and all of McLotofus for the epic hospitality!  Looking forward to the next time we all shall meet.


Great to see everybody!  I had as much fun as a slightly inebriated guy in a kilt surrounded by his faire brothers and sisters can have! 

"Pants are for guys with ugly legs"
Member of Clan McLotofus,
IBRSC# 1619,
As seen in Renaissance Magazine

Marcos Charron


Fun indeed.

I did see a few costumes on patrons that made me come up with the following quote,

"Alcohol is Clorox for the mind"

At the faire or in the wood shop, that's where I am!

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

LMAO!  I can think of a few myself, friend!   :D
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


Some costumes would surely make you go hummmmm.  We made it down on Saturday and had a fine time.  I ordered a new pair of boots and then we enjoyed the day.  Is it just me or have some of the attendees gotten lost in time. LMAO
There are many places where compromise is expected;
LOYALTY is not amongst them.

Rani Zemirah

Fraser, my dear, it was pleasure itself to be escorted by you through the campgrounds, and to feel the reassuring presence of the Order surrounding myself and my renlet as we wended our way through the maze of revelers.  There was never a moments concern for safety, and the thrill of being squired about by such a brae brawny kilted lad as yourself is enough to make this Gypsy wish she were much closer to your neighborhood than she has any business being... ;)

I look forward to next time...  :)

Angus, it's true that a few of us were time-traveling on Saturday, and we had a wonderful time with it!  We were well received, and it was fun to field all the questions about the Steampunk genre, although it was just as much fun being back in Ren garb the next day. 
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Yah my group and I did the Gothic Alice and wonderland and had a BLAST. And we loved seeing all of the steampunk!


alcohol is clorox for the mind?
well that gives a new meaning to eye bleach!

Fraser: It was nice meeting you as well.... even if you did meet absolutely insane Birgitte while she was building a nest in which to lay schnauzer puppy eggs! I tried to meet up with the people at Meet and Greet that I knew fairly well from the forum. I managed a few but the man who started the infamous 70 + countdown thread was missing! Glad Zaubon sent you over!


All Hallows Eve was definitely a weekend to remember. Its in moments like these that I have to say thank you to everyone.

This is your SAPPY MOMENT disclaimer so if ya ain't feelin' mushy, too bad!  ;)

Thank you everyone for your support and care. There wasn't a single time that I didn't walk into camp or walk up to someone at faire that I wasn't greeted with a warm smile or a hug.Everyone has always been so gracious and so many people have taken care of me over the past few years that I've been on the forums. I can't begin to describe how lucky I am to have such a diverse group of people to call my faire-family.

To the Bayou Scoundrels- your hospitality and open arms have been so wonderful since I met you and I was so glad to get to spend more time with you this weekend. Thank you for putting up with the menagerie of people that I brought up to your trailer and sharing your stories. Capt. SIN and Willa, your crew is an incredible group of vagabonds! There is no doubt I will be visiting Baton Rouge very soon!

To Escarlata and Leinad- It was so awesome to meet you both finally! You're both so wonderful and I only wish that you were closer. Esc, you're a lovely, open-minded, caring woman and I consider it a blessing to have gotten to known you. I can't wait to (hopefully) see you both at BARF this coming season! Smooches!

To everyone else-
Everyone has taken care of me, and I feel like there aren't words to describe the immense gratitude I have for everyone.
They say that it takes a village to raise a child and you all certainly have been there to pick me up when I fell, laugh at me when I've been dumb, and all in all done more than I could have ever wished for. This weekend was the first time I've brought some of my friends down to meet everyone and they agree that they will be returning to camp with everyone very soon!
I can't mention only one person because the love I have is for everyone crosses all Clan and boundary lines.
If anyone tries to tell me that they've got it better than me, I think they are gravely mistaken. I'm a damn lucky girl and have no problem telling them so.
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)


Well said Meg! I agree with all my heart!

Fraser of Lovatt, no darling I was stunned by your charm and couldn't take my eyes from you! ;) It just took me a few minutes to realize why I knew the name lol! I can't wait to get to know many of you better than I do now and to grow even stronger in friendships that already had great roots!

PR, it was great to finally meet my faimly and to be welcomed in with such love. It was amazing. My friends had an amazing time and think (As I know) that you are amazing.

BS, you really are the life of the party with a heart of gold, thank you for welcoming me into your camp!

And to everyone else, *HUGS* It was great! Can't wait to do it all again, only differently! (Can't do it the same....wouldn't be EPIC twice!)
PR ~Faire Daughter~


Quote from: Dracconia on November 04, 2009, 12:09:13 AM
Well said Meg! I agree with all my heart!

Fraser of Lovatt, no darling I was stunned by your charm and couldn't take my eyes from you! ;) It just took me a few minutes to realize why I knew the name lol! I can't wait to get to know many of you better than I do now and to grow even stronger in friendships that already had great roots!

PR, it was great to finally meet my faimly and to be welcomed in with such love. It was amazing. My friends had an amazing time and think (As I know) that you are amazing.

BS, you really are the life of the party with a heart of gold, thank you for welcoming me into your camp!

And to everyone else, *HUGS* It was great! Can't wait to do it all again, only differently! (Can't do it the same....wouldn't be EPIC twice!)

Sweetheart, it was so great to see you this weekend and to be able to deliver a wonderful surprise on Saturday night. ;)
Can't wait to see you again, and spend more time with you!  :-*
Still Meggers, just a little more grown up now. :)