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A Gypsy Tale

Started by SarviaRose, June 04, 2008, 09:08:42 PM

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I called too Captain Smith too ready a company of light cavalry too move, I knew we didn't need such but I had another idea that after we had finished with Harrington I might just pay a visit upon the approaching army too the North.

Caitlyn and Jasper soon were mounted and she led us all out and toward the SouthEast in the direction of the vile beast Harrington, we rode nearly half the day and finally came to a road which beyond was several trails of smoke rising over the trees, I looked to Caitlyn and asked "Are you sure this is what you want too do?", she spoke not but nodded yes.

I put most of the cavalry company too rest there we hardly needed them but I took twenty men with us, Harrington had no guards out and we managed too ride directly into his camp before they even realized we were there!, Harrington was busy with some poor creature ravishing her within his tent so we quickly gathered up his men and moved them off to one side under guard.

Caitlyn I said, "What you must do only you know, but my suggestion would be too capture this beast and chain him too your horse then drag him back too the manor and take your vengance before all his staff so as too show all that you are the Lady now!, but this is a mere suggestion and if you want too kill him his severed head on a pole will suffice!.

We all stood back to make room for her too take her vengance upon the beast that took her innocence, Jasper started to follow but I stopped him and held him back for it is for her too decide since he took this horrible life for her let her end it foe herself then she will truly be free of him.

Jasper stood back reluctantly as Caitlyn dismounted and started toward the tent as the poor child inside screamed in agony, he still didn't know we were there!.


Caitlyn didn't need me anymore and I had other bussiness to attend to I left her a guard of twenty men but carried all Harringtons men with me when I left with the other cavalry.

We rode North at a fast pace tiring the horses greatly but I knew that our small army could never defeat the large one in the North, we had too stop and tie up all of Harringtons men once they realized I intended too run them into the enemy camp so they could kill them but after this was done we got back upon the road leading their horses with them tied upon them.

We made good time and by almost dark we were very far too the North, we still had not spotted the army but the peasants there had all ran away so we knew they were there and coming soon, finally at the last rays of light was fading we came upon it one of the biggest armies I'd ever seen just judging by the campfires there must have been around ten thousand men there and we could do nothing against them so we followed the outline of the camp and soon found ourselves toward the rear of the army.

To our utter surprise there sat a jewel we couldn't have hoped to find!, over three hundred wagons loaded with war supplies, baggage,food and medicene I had no intension to attack now I knew the men were tired so we rode some distance from the camp and let them and the horses rest for several hours until around three a.m. and we would attack the wagons then and burn as many as possible.

The men soon were snoring so loudly I was afraid the enemy would hear them so myself and two officers mounted up and rode around too reconoiter the area when suddenly we saw another much smaller camp about three miles distance from the main camp.

I had a feeling this was a group of volunteers and soon proved to be exactly that!, I identified myself too the camp guards as Lord Harrington himself!, my officers played along very well and soon we were shown too a guady tent of "Prince Rupert of Slovenia".

Obviously he'd never wielded a sword in battle in his life for when he shook hands his hands were as those of a non working womans!, soft and feminine!.

He said he had come at my request and bowed before me, "Lord Harrington we are here to gain glory and honor in your noble cause and too collect the reward you'd offered!, is that still good?", he asked.

I assured him it was still good and urged him that we would attack this very night if he wanted any of the glory he must be ready, I asked him how many men he had?.

He replied over twelve hundred including archers, pikemen, swordsmen , men at arms and several young knights wanting too gain recognition!, excellent I said for I have a coward in my army who deserted with his men and he was too lead the attack but lost his nerve!, and he would have gained all the enemy weapons and gold!.

I asked him if he could be ready by midnight?, he answered "Oh yes my Lord!", good! said I.

I will have another unit take the place in the middle and your men can protect part of the rear!, to this he frowned and said "my Lord we are a young force but strong and willing I beg you let me take the center spot I'll not fail you and we are close, I can have my men in place well before midnight!.

To this I acted distraught, "I don't know I said, I've never seen you fight and you will have too fight hard there!".

He replied "we can do it my Lord and oh do we get the enemy gold you spoke of?", I replied "Of course lad!", to this he gleamed and readied his men.

I sent one of my officers back to rouse the men about midnight and kept the other with me as a bodyguard, "Prince Rupert!", said I are you ready too become a very famous warrior?, he was overjoyed! and we led his men down before the main body of the camp all twelve hundred.

The pikemen took position too guard the archers as usual with the men at arms and swordsmen behind  as well as the cavalry, then finally at nearly three oclock I told Rupert that I should lead his forces as he was inexperienced!, but he denied this and said he could do it that I as Lord should be back giving orders too the other troops.

The officer with men almost laughed and I had too punch him but it was dark and Rupert didn't see, so I said "Very well then Prince Rupert!, war is for young men anyway!, begin your attack!", and my officer and myself rode away toward my other cavalry who were waiting for the signal.

Then suddenly as a bolt of lightening Ruperts men began a rain of arrows down upon the sleeping army, killing many as they slept, we used the diversion to attack the three hundred wagons and soon had them all ablaze as we could see up the narrow valley prince Rupert leading his cavalry into the ten thousand sleeping warriors with his swordsmen and men at arms following closely behind.

Once we were sure all the wagons and supplies were beyond saving we made a route due West away from the war and rode several miles before turning Southward and riding toward the manor house.

I really wished I could have seen prince Ruperts war!, but I knew that as soon as they could muster they're own men Rupert would be routed! but I figured his twelve hundred should kill at least four to one of the sleeping men which would destroy over one fourth of the force pluse all the supplies were gone and men without food often soon are gone as well!.

Finally at the break of first light we came within sight of the fortified manor, and I wondered to myself what Caitlyn had done with Harrington but I was too tired and soon found my bed with the buxom wench especially warm this frosty morning!.


Robert smiled as he watched Caitlyn go to meet Lord Harrington he still found it fun to see he dressed as a noble on her way to a social gathering rather than a woman getting her vengeance against a vile man. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Robert restraining Jasper she was glad of this and knew that this first assault needed to be done by her alone. 

Slowly Caitlyn opened the flap to the tent and tried to block out the noises of pain coming from the young girl under Lord Harrington as she stepped in. She let the flap close before she spoke.

"So husband I see you have found someone to replace me in your bed."

Lord Harrington froze and turned so quickly he fell off the makeshift bed he was on. The young girl grabbed the blanket and ran out the door.

"Jasper, take care of her." Caitlyn yelled after her.

She just watched as the Lord stumbled into some clothing she could see the look of concentration on his face. She knew he was planning something and was not surprise when he lunged for her. She easily stepped out of the way.

"Don't be a fool Harold I am not the young women you married anymore."

"Ha, you are weak and I will have you again."

"When I am done with you, you will have no one again."

Lord Harrington ran at her again this time using some magic froze him in place. Slowly she began to lift him into the air and in one sudden movement throw him onto the bed.

"It doesn't feel very good does it?"

"How?" He sounded angrier more than scared of having magic used against him.

Caitlyn just smiled at him and toss him out of the bed onto the floor.

"There is more to me than you know about Harold one is I am no longer yours, two I have taken charge of the estate, you will not live much longer, and finally whatever Marynia has taught you is nothing compared to what I have been taught and given."

He stared at her again wondering how she could have known who had given him the little magic he had.  Caitlyn let him stand up and compose his self.

"So wife you look as beautiful as ever why don't you come to bed you look tired."

Caitlyn could feel that he was trying to control her mind and started laughing.

"Sorry husband that will not work on me. Nor do I think it will work on anyone under my protection"

Lord Harrington was now scared of the young woman who he use to think of as nothing as nothing more than decoration for his arm.

"Damn you Caitlyn."

"You are wrong it is you who are damned."

Caitlyn than tossed him out of the tent and calmly walked out. Her men where already on him and putting chains on him.

"We will take him back to the estate." Caitlyn said as on of the men tied Lord Harrington to her horse.

Jasper came up and kissed Caitlyn he had a wide smile on his face.

"I am proud of you Cait and remind me never to piss you off."

Caitlyn returned the kissed and than mounted her horse.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I awoke shortly after noon, I dressed and walked outside still unbelieveing what we had done the night before and I climbed the ladder up unto the walls and walked around the parapet toward the North side and you could still see the smoke rising in the far distance and I was sure the surrounding brush had also burned as it tends too after a hard fight which is bad fore the fallen men are often burned alive as they lay wounded without help.

I had no idea really of how many men our good Prince Rupert had managed to dispatch but I still fully believed he may had killed or wounded nearly half the advancing force and with the burning of the wagons of supplies and weapons the men that were left soon should begin melting away as the winter ice does before the sun and I thought of asking Caitlyn too muster her entire army and advance upon the stricken men for the treasonous action against this kingdom but time may disperse them better than we can and perhaps we should wait.

I was distracted by the screams of someone I didn't recognize and made my way back around the parapet too overlook Jasper tormenting Harrington by poking him in the buttocks with an arrow as he was tied too the "X" we used for the punishment before.

I had wondered what Caitlyn had done with this tyrant after she'd taken him but I couldn't see her walking about just Jasper so I decided to find her and tell her of our great victory for she would be thrilled!.


I finally found Caitlyn and advised her too leave the vile beast Harrington hanging up for all too see, there was already a considerable pile of rotten vegtables and dead rodents piling up around him and the people were turning this into a carnival atmosphere.

Caitlyn told Jasper and I she had an idea and she left with several men then they came back carrying many tables and the household staff was bringing lots of food, she said "The way too the peoples hearts are through they're stomach!", and laughed.

It was amazing that the people began too chant "Lady Caitlyn!, Lady Caitlyn, Lady Caitlyn!!! Huzzah!".

She declared a week long holiday and feasting for everyone, then she said she would hold the trial for Harrington herself as judge and let the people speak as too what happened too him and if he desrved death then death it would be!, but we all knew that was inevitable anyway!.

I still had an uneasy feeling about the remnants of the army too the North they were still by my estimates around five thousand men but I was still certain that half of these would be conscripts and begin too run away once they felt enough hunger but I soon found my fears to be unwaranted as a travelling merchant came through the lower village telling a story of how the massive army had been nearly cut in half!.

He said the foolish Prince Rupert fought on until daylight with his men refusing too surrender too the superior force but had already killed well over four thousand and half of these with the barrage of arrows at the first of the assault but finally he was overpowered by the Knight Marshall in charge and crucified for his cowardly crime all the time he plead that he was innocent and was doing Lord Harringtons bidding!, hee hee hee.

He further told that they had no supplies and that the money for the expedition had burned up as well and the men soon found the melted piles of gold and silver heaped up among the ashes and stole it many running away with loads of it.

The rest were starving and with the warmer weather lately the bloated corpses of the dead which had been left upon the battlefield had burst and spread a disease among the men, the creek they drank from had many corpses in it and now many were taken ill, they tried too burn the bodies in great piles but by then it was too late and most that came into contact with them were becoming sick as well.

He pointed North and said "See yet the funeral pyres burn for many die each day!", he left saying "Fear the plague it is coming!".

Caitlyn and I agreed that the people must'nt find out about this else they would panic, we knew that as long as we had good food and clean water that Caitlyns magic could save us all!.


Caitlyn looked at Robert, the plague her eyes widened and she squeezed Jasper's hand.

"Cait it will be okay, between the magic you, I and even Robert have will be okay."

"I hope you are right. I know I can fight people even control some elements but the plague? Will we ever have any peace Jasper?"

Robert looked at Caitlyn who was still he could tell the stress was getting to her and she need some time away from this. He watched at Caitlyn stared at Lord Harrington the venom was still in her eye he could see she still hated ever inch of him. Robert laughed to himself when he saw Lord Harrington twitch even though no one was around him.

"Cait go sleep, I know you have gotten use to leaving as a gypsy and as a warrior but you have maids and servents let them pamper you for a few hours. Jasper will join you in awhile."

Caitlyn have in after a little arguing and headed in the manor house. The servents where good and had heard the exchange they already had a bath drawn, the bed prepared and clean clothes for her to chosse from.

"Robert, I don't know if she can keep this up much longer. She is using everything she has to keep everyone protected from other's magic."

Robert looked at Jasper a little surprise. "It is kind of like the hydra you had. Cait is sure that Marynia is trying to use the pig to keep tabs on her and somehow has blocked Fenella from visiting her even though she has called on her every day."

"Out Cait will be able to handle it but we need to make sure she gets time to relax like now. Jasper go be with her."

Jasper didn't any proding other than that and he was off. He found Caitlyn just getting out of the bath.

"Caitlyn you look beautiful."

"And you are a flatterer"

Caitlyn throw her arms around Jasper and kissed him as he lifted her up and carried her to the bed. A few hours later the couple woke still wrapped in each others arms. Jasper looked down and kissed Caitlyn happy that she looked rested and not as pale as she had earlier.

"Jasper do you think maybe Robert or you could try and contact Fenella? I have still can't contract her and with the plague coming she know more about healing than I do. And I would an up date on my family, last I heard Molly and Chad where expecting."

Jasper hugged he close knowing she missed her family and that they missed her also, he frowned and hoped Robert could contact Fenella he had also been trying.

Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


Jasper came too me very troubled telling me that Caitlyn doesn't know if she can handle the plague and wished Fennella would come and I tried too contact her but my powers are not of that quality and the distractions of the people here still celebrating at Caitlyns party keep me from making contact with her so I decided too try and move into the outlying areas then eventually found myself completely outside the village and deeply into the woods still with no luck.

Suddenly I heard something behind me and turned too see the Hermit standing there, he smiled greatly and greeted me "Hello young squire, what troubles thee?", I told him of the wars and the impending plague he just laughed and said "Yes sometimes the Earth decides too fight back against its greedy children!".

Fennella cannot come too you or Caitlyn right now she is beyond the realm for now but shall return, Caitlyn should have senced this!.

I said nothing but listened too the old man he said I can only give you this advice and it may be incorrect he warned me!, but he said if I were Caitlyn I'd send my people from this town too the far reaching villages too the South of here where the plague is not for you see I feel that the evil this man Harrington has caused is too much manifest here too ever release its grip upon the soil and takes its vengance against it!.

Those soldiers are all dead!, this I can tell you and the animals they had are even now spreading this way and they carry the plague, burn this place and send the people South Caitlyn has other work to do and she has freed these people only thing left is for the death of Harrington his evil cannot exist.

Go now my son, destroy the monster ,send the people South and burn this place, tell Caitlyn that her gypsy family needs her even now for they are far too the NorthEast and have fallen upon hard times themselves there was a fire and much was destroyed, go too them and lead them away from where they are, Fennella will be back by then and she can tell you what you must do then.

But heed my warning only death can come if you stay here!.

I immediately returned too Caitlyn and told her this story, I asked her if she wanted me too slay this beast Harrington for her only Jasper suddenly pounced upon him and split his head open nearly too his neck with one powerfull strike.

Caitlyn looked stunned at such but quickly smiled and embraced Jasper, I heeded her too address her people and tell them to leave before its too late!.


Caitlyn heeded Robert's word and informed the people gather of the impending danger. She went to the vault she knew Lord Harrington had and took enough money to help her gypsy family, and had Jasper and Robert take what they wanted. She than gave the men who where officers their shares and proceed to pay everyone and with what was left she divided among anyone still remaining at the estate.

Jasper and Robert got the horses ready as Caitlyn wander the manor house looked for anything that she may want to keep or that may be helpful to her family but everything held nothing but bad memories of the evil man who was now dead. She wandered into her room and sat on the bed she was sitting there crying when Jasper and Robert found her.

"Cait what's wrong?" Robert asked as Jasper sat on the bed next to her.

"Everything is just getting to me. Why couldn't I feel the danger my family was in?"

Jasper took her hand. "Cait please don't there are many things you can't control my guess is that with Marynia and that pig blocked it from you. But we can leave now and be back with them shortly."

"I agree with Jasper. Also we need to leave here soon. Per your orders all the out building are about to be burned they are just waiting for the final comand from you."

To this Caitlyn smiled, she got up form the bed hugged Robert and gave Jasper a kiss.

"Come friends let us leave this evil place in ash."

The men followed Caitlyn out the door and watched as she gave the final order. Each of the out building seem to start on fire at the same time.

"Lady Cait we will miss you" One of the remaining people stated.

Caitlyn looked that the older man and smile. "Go be safe and happy. One day we will return."

Robert began to wonder if she had changed her mind about the main house but said nothing. Both men watched as Caitlyn stepped in front of the house and started to chat. They watched in awe as each room burst into flame hotter than any normal flame would be. Before long the house was just ash, Caitlyn than turned to each out building and chated again this time it only seem to strangth the flames already there.

"The flame will go out when there is nothing but ash but unlike the house it will be normally." Caitlyn paused "Well as normal as a magic flame can be. Nothing will put out those flame one when the building are just ash will it go out."

Jasper went to retrieve Caitlyn's horse he watched as she mounted it. Robert also watched as Caitlyn took one last look at the Harrington Estate he could see the relief in her eyes. Caitlyn knew that even other being would try to harm her and the ones she loves this man would never harm her again.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I hated too send the people South but the Hermit was right and they would be safer there and they have the army there as well, in fact many of the men had already developed relationships with the women of the village so perhaps one day after the Winter has killed the plague out they will return and begin anew a peacefull prosperous community but for now I wouldn't dare tell anyone but I was so glad too be back upon the road and travelling like I once so loved too do.

We travelled over three passes before we stopped for the night in the deep forest in the Eastern areas of the county, we would need to continue this way until we reached the river and there we can turn North and East toward the gypsy camps.

Caitlyn and Jasper were so in love it kinda made me feel uncomfortable so I went into the woods too hunt and maybe gather some wild herbs when suddenly I heard someone behind me and I turned too see the old Hermit as solid as you or I!.

He greeted me as usual "Young squire!", but then he was like hundreds of years old!, he told me something that would change not only the way I looked at Caitlyn but something I never believed was possible!.

He said that Caitlyn is your sister!, you were the first born and as such your mother was very young and couldn't well protect and care for you so she sent you too her parents to care for you, your Grandfather was a great lord and owned much land but had many enemies and while you were still a child an army lay siege too his castle so he sent you with a trusted retainer out through a tunnel and too safety.
The old retainer quickly succumbed to the life in the wilds and passed you off too some travellers heading for the big cities and from there you remember the rest, a chain of homes none ever for long and troubles from everywhere.

I asked him "Caitlyn?, my sister????", yes said he but she doesn't know this but I believe she feels it!, your mother had a secret life with her later on and she never knew of her grandparents but you and she are as the ancient chinese say "Yin and Yang", she is the white and you the black, that means her powers are the powers of light and yours well not so light!.
That doesn't mean your evil!, it only means that at the beginning this was simply the way things were ordained, together you two can move mountains but seperated you both have tremendious power only you've never learned too use yours, haven't you been out in the woods and suddenly knew where the deer were?, haven't you fought in a battle and defeated great odds through you were but one?, you see you can tap your power she can help you!.

I will be your guide as Fennella is hers, for now this is all you need but I want you too do something, when you return too camp Caitlyn and Jasper will be eer busy! but when they see you they will greet you I command you now unleash your powers there will be a fire kindled and ready see it burn in your mind and make it so!.

I returned too camp and sure enough Caitlyn and Jasper were under the wagon but immediately slid out and looked embarressed I said watch and looked toward the pile of wood for the fire and suddenly it burst into flames nearly six feet high enveloping the tree limbs above it but it burned!, it really burned!.

Caitlyn laughed aloud! and smiled at me.


Caitlyn ran up to Robert and hugged him.

"I knew there was something about you."

Robert lifted his sister up in a bear hug. Jasper walked over he was a little confused.

"Robert let me down. Jasper meet my brother."

Jasper froze in his spot and looked between Robert and Caitlyn. Suddenly he let out a laugh.

"I should have known you to are so similar sometimes."

"Fenella came to visit for a short time to tell me the hermit was with you. She umm didn't stay long." Caitlyn blushed.

"A little sister."

"A big brother. OHh my word Molly and Johnny you have a family a real family."

This brought Robert up short, this time he was the one who froze. He had gotten use to having friends after years of bring alone and now a sister that was part of a yin yang with him but also another sister and odder yet a younger brother.

"Cait this is a lot to in."

"Robert it will be okay. The hermit will help you as Fenella helps me."
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I tried not too act too distracted but I realized the hermit had told me this for a reason and I couldn't figure out what it was but I was sure it was something too do with  the witch that guided Harrington, we had taken away her demon Harrington and she wanted revenge but I consoled myself too think that it was mostly my immagination and that this days revelations were giving me false sences.

Caitlyn seemed so happy and Jasper relieved as I think he thought I might have more than friendship in mind for Caitlyn.

We had supper and were settling down for what was going too be a mild Winters night for the mountains when with the last rays of sunlight you could see the same hideous face I had seen at the gypsy camp so long ago, it was the witch surely enough and she was up too something.

Caitlyn saw the face as well but I'm noot sure Jasper did I noticed before long she took a large bag of salt and spread a thin circle around the camp for protection, this seemed too alarm Jasper but little did we have time too think about it before the monsterous howls in the forest grew closer too our camp as the light retreated to the West.

I thought it best too try and bring the horses within the circle for they were becoming very freightened and at last the huge demonic wolves that howled so loudly began too show themselves in the dim light of the fire.

I remembered what the Hermit had said , "See it in your mind and immagine it to be so!", I turned too a great fallen log beyond the camp and concentrated very hard upon it seeing it in my mind roaring in flames then suddenly it burst fourth with a loud crack! and the fire shocked the wolves who immediately went further back into the darkness away from camp.

Caitlyn smiled and said "its as the Hermit said you are of the dark and your power is stronger then!".

We all then laid down again but I don't believe any of us would be doing much sleeping this night and tomorrow I hoped to be out of these woods!.


The early morning mists held a firm grasp on the trees beyond our camp but slowly gave way as the light of day burned them away.

Caitlyn went toward the stream below camp too wash and suddenly screamed out for us too come, Jasper and I quickly grabbed swords and ran the short distance too her but she was unharmed she just pointed in horror to the huge wolf tracks that absolutely covered the sandy ground beyond the camp but this one in special for it was very fresh and as it moved away from the camp it began too change its appearance, the toes spread out more with each step and the foot seemed too get slimmer and it developed an arch.

We followed it too beyond an opening in the trees and it turned completely human!,"Werewolves!" Caitlyn said, "werewolves?" repeated Jasper in a sick tone.

Caitlyn turned and looked up into the sky seeing a hawk flying high above and she told me too take her hand and together we could see what the large bird saw and it could see a naked man running frantically across a field a couple miles ahead, he was the one that left the tracks but there were others very many in fact but he was the only one we could see.

We figured this was an area infested with the evil beast and as we had other bussiness too attend we decided too move along, Caitlyn said she knew a spell but it took much energy from her too do this but with my help it shouldn't be as stressing too her so we gathered our belongings and tied them tightly upon the horses and all faced too the NorthEast Caitlyn said for Jasper too take the place in the middle and for each of us too be on the outside and that I must concentrate very hard until she yelled "stop", because if I stopped before she did it could harm us all!.
She then gave me instructions as this there is a vast plain far too the NorthEast not far from the gypsy camp and thats where we are going, when I give the word you must do nothing but concentrate on the wind fore I will guide us and with your powers too help we will all become as the wind and be long gone from this evil place.

I wasn't at all sure of this but would never admit too being afraid so we formed up as she said and then she said "Ok let us become as the wind", at first nothing happened but then suddenly from behind there seemed a great storm with howling wind blowing from behind Caitlyn and then behind Jasper and myself and she said take each others hands and don't let go until I say stop!.

I took Jaspers hand and the wind grew still more furious but the trees around us never bent of the leaves never flew and suddenly concentrating as hard as I could I shut my eyes and I could feel us being caught into the wind and taken up, I opened my eyes but we travelled so fast that you could not focus upon anything and it seemed we were very high then we began too slow and slow further until she yelled "Now stop!".

We were gone from where we were alright and I could not believe such but we were in the very plains she spoke of, a ride that would have taken us days we covered in minutes!, you could see the mountains looming ahead of us and suddenly I was so very tired and sleepy!.

I remember Caitlyn saying "its allright its just the way things are we must sleep now for we expanded much energy, I barely unsaddled my horse and dropped the saddle until I slid down into it and went too sleep but at least we were away from the werewolves!.


Caitlyn watched her brother as he fell into a deep sleep, as she dismounted she felt Jasper's arms warp around her.

"Don't worry Caitlyn, my love I will watch over both of you as you sleep."

Jasper didn't wait for a response he could feel Caitlyn go limp in his arms he knew she was fast asleep. He laid her down near Robert and covered both with blankets. He than created a small fire that with his magic gave off only warmth no smoke. He wanted to go get some food for them but didn't want to wonder away from the siblings.

He could feel Fenella trying to get contact him. He responded in his mind.

"Fenella can you hear me?"

"Yes Jasper. I see you are close."

"We are very close, but both are still sleeping. The spell took a lot out of them."

"I can see that. Don't worry they will be up soon. Caitlyn first and than Robert. Cait has a little more experience than he does but that won't matter soon. He is learning quickly a part of him that he didn't know about has awaken."

"Do you know about the Werewolves?"

"Yes I have heard but we will talk about that when you reach camp. We will all waiting for you, Robert and Cait."

Jasper laid down next to Caitlyn and again wrapped her in his arms; her sleep was troubled he was going to have to ask her if she remembers why when she wakes. To Jasper's surprise Robert woke first.

"Jasper, how long have we been sleeping?"

"Not long two hours at the most. It is odd Fenella told me Cait would wake up first."

"I have never known her to be wrong."

Robert looked at Caitlyn and he also saw the troubled sleep she was in.

"Should we worry Jasper?"

Before Jasper could respond Caitlyn woke up with start.

"Cait! What's wrong?" Jasper asked

"My dream it was so real, ugg I don't remember it."

"I think we better head to the camp." Robert stated as he got up.
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


I couldn't believe we'd slept off most of the day and we wasted no time in gathering our things and quickly headed toward the gypsy camp, finally by about four p.m. we arrived and none too soon we were.

The gypsy wagons were in sad shape several burned too nothing but scraps others badly scortched and they were running short on food.

They had been having such trouble since they'd arrived here there is evil magic against them and at first they tried too fight it with the tools they had and noone would venture far from camp too hunt then they ended up using what supplies they had too feed them and protect the camp so now they were almost destitute.

Caitlyn went right too work with the sick and injured, I knew she'd be alright there so Jasper suggested before it got any later that we go hunting for something decent for the others too eat and I agreed but the surrounding forest was far too thick to ride through so we unsaddled a horse and led him behind us in case we needed his might too bring back some meat.

We walked and walked and walked finding no tracks what so ever, even the old deer runs had grew up from misuse, finally after we walked far back down the valley we came on too some elk tracks and followed them until near dark high up onto a meadow in a mountain pass when we found the herd, I told Jasper too tie the horse there and follow the trail toward the tree line ahead I would climb the sloping hill too our right and work my way around toward the  middle of the herd and if he sees them spook they'd run toward him and then he'd have the best shot.

Then at last I could see a big cow standing near me with enough meat for everyone, I took aim and fired my arrow into her side killing the noble beast instantly and as I had expected the herd spooked and ran back toward Jasper and I couldn't tell if he got too shoot or not.

I made my way down and came too the dead creature and found of course I could not drag it an inch but worse than that it was now nearly dark so I walked toward where Jasper was and found him with a downed Elk himself, he ran back for the horse and soon we had both Elks drug too near enough that we could dress them.

Now it was completely dark so we hurried as much as possible and cut the best meat off the hind quarters and side quickly strapping it unto the horse and the moon had come up enough too just give enough light too work by and we strapped on the last of the meat and I pulled up some weeds too clean my hands upon and looked up to my horror there further up into the very pass we were there was lights coming or rather torches and since it wasn't from the direction we'd came I suggested we not wait too see what this was and Jasper agreed.

We made the best time we could and it was nearly midnight when we returned too the camp but few fires burned there I believed things had gotten worse.


The moon was setting in the night sky and I could feel the power inside me almost sparking like electricity, Jasper hurriedly went too hang the meat up and take care of it but I still had a nagging suspicion that the torches we'd seen in the pass were connected with the misfortunes of this camp so quickly I told noone but gathered my battlegear.

I pulled on my chainmail and helmet, buckled on my sword  and arming dagger, shouldered my bow and filled the quiver with deadly broadheaded arrowheads and started back off toward the pass.

It wasn't long before I could see a large bonfire burning ahead and the hooded figures gyrating before it, I made no attempt too hide but boldly marched into the camp holding my heavy bow strung with an arrow, when the figures noticed me they immediately stopped the vile dance and stood there starring from under the dark hooded claoks they all wore then slowly as a group they began to move toward me.

I warned these witches not too come closer but they paid no heed and kept walking so I took aim upon the leader and fired with all my might, the arrow fell low for I aimed at the head but struck the neck of the evil beast and too my utter surprise with the bonfire behind it I could see dust rise from the wound, it staggered back but did not loose its direction and all kept moving toward me.

Then the words of the Hermit came back too me "Immagine it in your mind and see it made so!", I closed my eyes and in my mind I could see the fire from the bonfire rise up first in a stream as a snake then more and more until it swirled about the small clearing.

The hooded creatures continued toward me so I pulled the fire in toward me and saw it flame up over twelve foot high, from the light of it as it swirled around us like a burning tornado I could see these were not human beings I fought but what was once alive but now dead and doing the bidding of another they were zombies!.

So with one final blast I pulled the fire in toward me and engulfed all the creatures within its destructive grip and first the cloaks burned brightly then the dead skin beneath glowed as if it were in a furnace incenerating them all and I could see them one after another falling as ashes upon the ground and then I released the fire and it returned too the original bonfire after consuming everything but I did notice a smoking leather pouch laying there.

It was hot but I opened it and out fell a doll or image!, it was the image of the leader of the gypsies and they were preforming some horrible ceremony no doubt too bring about his death.

Then as my eyes adjusted too the darkness I could see another cloaked figure much further away near the trees upon a white horse, when it notice I'd spotted it he suddenly wheeled about and rode into the darkness but I knew this wasn't the last time we would see this horse or its rider.

I walked back to camp and wanted much too telll Caitlyn what had happened but she was asleep and I was exhausted ,this magic stuff is taxing!, so I laid down by the fire and drifted off too sleep myself.