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I stopped my subscription to Renaissance Magazine

Started by Obadiah Jib, June 22, 2008, 11:25:47 AM

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Obadiah Jib

I think I started a subscription of Renaissance Magazine around issue 10 because I wasn't sure if I could always fine it on the news stand.  I loved that magazine.  I enjoyed the articles, reviews, and mostly the colorful photos from Renaissance Fairies around the country.

But I let my subscription end.  Here is why.

1.  I always felt bad for the people who took the time to research and write such detailed historical articles only to have readers two issues later rip them apart on the letters page.  It seemed that 'the fact Nazi' ruled the magazine.  Yes researchers miss things or get things wrong but relax a little for Pete's sake!  I felt that the authors always had to be guarded instead of creative.

2.  Do we need a Celtic Wedding Issue every year?  Every other year?  If you are married or male this issue has little appeal.  I think this popular trend could have been addressed differently.

3.  That Goth movie reviewer is harsh.  It seems that he hates everything.  Why bother reading it.  Just list a movie and he hates it.

What I would do if I owned the magazine or had influence to change it.  It is one thing to just belch and another to suggest a change.

1.  Review faires around the country.  Send people out with cameras and write articles about the various Renaissance Fairies.  This would help new faires and might encourage people to try neighboring faires.  Not just pictures but tales of these places!

2.  Start new column on making characters or performing at Renaissance Fairies.  Things you can do if you would like to attend a faire in period garb/ how to get started.  Even many of us who have attended these events for years might learn a few tricks with some helpful solutions to dealing with weather, weaponry, and even using the toilet (and if you are a woman in a hoop skirt who has climbed into a port-a-pot you know what I am talking about.

3.  Interview Renaissance Faire performers, authors who write historical books, musical groups, maybe even scholars on various period themes.  Wouldn't you be interested to read an interview with "Zilch the Torysteller" or "The Seattle Knights"?   How about a one on one with Alison Weir?  An article on a trip through Museum Replicas?  A disccourse with Jim Hrisoulas on his blade work?  I know that the magazine does do some interviews and articles about some Renaissance themed folks but I would have liked to see more.  Even tales of how faires appeared back in the "good old days" by some of the people who started the trend could be fun.  I bet the issues would even fly off the stand if you had an article on what a Renaissance Faire is like after hours...

I am guessing from the ads and my long subscription to the magazine that the fan base is at least 80% Festies.  Tailor the magazine to fit the fans.  Limit the history pieces and make the magazine a magazine about Renaissance Fairies instead of a history magazine with a slight Renaissance Faire appeal.

Just my opinions.  A rant after ending a relationship with an old friend.

I would love to hear your opinions.  I know that I am most likely in the minority but perhaps at least one of you has shared in my disappointment.
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.


1) I'm tired of the corrections in almost every issue. But I don't blame the readers for that.  But to your point the "kudos and correction s" letter in the current issue(#61 wedding 2008) was nitpicky.

2) I don't need one every year. But their market research might show the need for it.

3) I quit reading the reviews a long time ago. I even said so in their survey last year.

Quote from: Obadiah Jib on June 22, 2008, 11:25:47 AM

3.  Interview Renaissance Faire performers, authors who write historical books, musical groups, maybe even scholars on various period themes.  Wouldn't you be interested to read an interview with "Zilch the Torysteller" or "The Seattle Knights"?   How about a one on one with Alison Weir?  An article on a trip through Museum Replicas?  A disccourse with Jim Hrisoulas on his blade work?  I know that the magazine does do some interviews and articles about some Renaissance themed folks but I would have liked to see more.  Even tales of how faires appeared back in the "good old days" by some of the people who started the trend could be fun.  I bet the issues would even fly off the stand if you had an article on what a Renaissance Faire is like after hours...

I would love to hear your opinions.  I know that I am most likely in the minority but perhaps at least one of you has shared in my disappointment.

read Faire news by our own Escarlata


edit for clarity
Twenty seasons of covering renaissance  festivals. Photos/calendar/blog.
Fairy photographer


Thanks for the referral, RFP *grinning*

Obadiah, I've saved your post for article ideas. I'm always looking for what interests my readers. I might not always deliver but it won't be for wont of trying.
Esc be no lady!
Bringing Good and Bad appropriate
FaireNews-spreading the Joy of Faire, one post at a time

anne of oaktower

My Fiance keeps my Ren Mag subscription paid, and that's why I still get it.  I have had many of the same thoughts already posted here, although, being female, I do love to look at the Wedding Issue.  I can see where it might be more beneficial to others to make the annual wedding photos a supplement instead of an entire issue. 

I, too, quit reading the movie reviews.  But then again, I never read a movie review before seeing the movie.  When I go to the movies or rent one to watch at home, I do so for the pleasure of escaping for a couple of hours.  I don't sit down to watch a movie with the intention of picking it apart, and reading a negative review by someone else before I even see the movie kind of spoils any enjoyment I can find during that two-hour break from reality.

I have also long thought that there should be more than just pictures of a given faire.  Tell me about the faire!  How much is admission, is there a parking fee, a shuttle, etc.?  Highlight some of this years performers, tell me which acts are there every year, describe the setting, give me info about nearby lodging/campgrounds and where we can eat after hours.  If there is a picture of a particular person, don't just give me their faire name - tell me why they portray that character and what makes their character unique.  I would love to read full-page articles like the ones suggested by Obadiah!

The more I think on this, the more I think perhaps it is time to sit down and write a letter to the owner of Ren Mag.

* I will be sure to check out the fairenews link, Escarlata.  That's the second time this week that I've noticed a mention of it here in the forums, so now my curiosity is piqued. 

aka: Oak-hearted Annie / Anne of Oak Barrel / Barefoot Annie

"It is never too late to be what you might have been."


What great points.  I hope the magazine folks are smart enough to read this forum. . .  hell, you guys gave me ideas for my own rag and it's not that Ren-oriented!
Publisher, Faire Magazine, The Concordium, & The Pyrates Way
Founder, FriendsofMDRF

Black'n McCrack


There are some good points brought up here, and some that I disagree with.

First off, I like the articles written about historical events, and hope the editors continue running them. I'm a history nut, and that's one reason I got into Renaissance festivals. I do think a great point was brought up about interviews with authors being a good addition to the magazine. I'd love to see an interview with Allison Weir or David Starkey, and even authors who write historical fiction such as Philippa Gregory.

I enjoy the pictorials on various faires, but my gripe with that is that it seems to be the same ones over and over. I've gone through some back issues that I have, and have seen a few faires featured more than once, usually the larger, well established ones. I'd like to see smaller faires featured, and think those spreads would be just as interesting.

As for faire information, the Faire & Festival guide is a valuable resource for dates, estimated attendance, and pricing. Each listing includes the festival's web address where more info can be obtained. I think that would be the best way to get information on parking, vendors, lodging, entertainment, etc. It would be too much work for the editors to print all of that info with each pictorial, especially since they start working on each current issue weeks, if not months ahead of time, most likely before faire management releases said information.

I also tend to disagree with Mr. MacLean's film reviews, but keep in mind he's only voicing his opinions. He's certainly entitled to them, and we're entitled to disagree. Whether he reviews a film favorably or not won't change the way I feel about it, and a negative review will not stop me from watching a film I'm interested in.

To the magazine's credit, they have a regular feature on sewing garb, though it's not in the current issue. Several years ago there was an entire issue about the history of Renaissance festivals (which can be purchased via their website, along with other back issues), and there have been faire performers featured. I do agree this should be something that's more common, I'd really like to see interviews with performers. Kudos to Esc for making this a regular feature on Faire News!

There is room for improvement, but I enjoy Renaissance Magazine and will continue looking forward to each new issue.

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb

Obadiah Jib

First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.

Obadiah Jib

To the magazine's credit, they have a regular feature on sewing garb, though it's not in the current issue. Several years ago there was an entire issue about the history of Renaissance festivals (which can be purchased via their website, along with other back issues), and there have been faire performers featured. I do agree this should be something that's more common, I'd really like to see interviews with performers. Kudos to Esc for making this a regular feature on Faire News!


Athena is correct the articles on sewing are very nice and well done. 
First Mate of the Portobello Rose.
I'm not the captain, I just dress better than he does.


I wrote a series of articles a few years back on the history of games, and believe the mag has a lot of potential and has a potentially a very valuable niche as an "industry" magazine for both participants and playtrons, but I do think it could do better. I confess I was a little disappointed that they turned down the idea of a column for merchants/crafters when I suggested it.
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?


Quote from: groomporter on June 22, 2008, 10:47:58 PM
I wrote a series of articles a few years back on the history of games, and believe the mag has a lot of potential and has a potentially a very valuable niche as an "industry" magazine for both participants and playtrons, but I do think it could do better. I confess I was a little disappointed that they turned down the idea of a column for merchants/crafters when I suggested it.

When did you write those? I have back issues dating as far back as 2001 and would love to take a look at the articles.

It's unfortunate that your idea was turned down. I think a column on mercants/crafters would benefit vendors and patrons, and would be a great way to introduce some of the smaller, lesser known businesses.

I agree, the magazine is a valuable resource but there's always room for improvement.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket. ~ Chinese Proverb


Quote from: groomporter on June 22, 2008, 10:47:58 PM
I wrote a series of articles a few years back on the history of games, and believe the mag has a lot of potential and has a potentially a very valuable niche as an "industry" magazine for both participants and playtrons, but I do think it could do better. I confess I was a little disappointed that they turned down the idea of a column for merchants/crafters when I suggested it.

From the moderators forum
Quote from: willin on June 16, 2008, 02:26:18 PM

last night i was looking up some festival websites using Google
(i wish we had our old directory)
i found that now comes up #11
putting it on the second page of the search results.
about three weeks ago it was in the #3 position,
right near the top of the first page.

my limited understanding of how search results are determined is by keywords
and not via the Google bidding process (pay for placement) like the Google ads ?

the #11th, second page position resulted when i entered "renaissance festival" as the search.
the same search via Yahoo results in the #2 spot !

is there anything we can do to boost our position back into the top 10 so it comes up on the   
  first page of Google search results ?

My reply...

Willin, the path to Google nirvana is content, content and more content.  We have the Joomla portal running the homepage.  It is a tool for publishing content.  Tom is working on integrating forums logins with Joomla logins.  This should allow us to divide and conquer the content beast.  I personally know members who would be glad to contribute articles and I suspect there are others who would be willing to write if asked.  A topics outline would be a good way to start.

Groomporter, don't be suprised if I lean on you for articles.  For that matter all the merchants/crafters.  I think Calith is putting something together for his perfume shop.

Emerald Shaunassey

Quote from: Obadiah Jib on June 22, 2008, 11:25:47 AM

2.  Do we need a Celtic Wedding Issue every year?  Every other year?  If you are married or male this issue has little appeal.  I think this popular trend could have been addressed differently.

Despite being female, I have to agree with you 100% on this one Obadiah.  A yearly wedding issue, IMHO, is waaaaaaaaay to much for the price I pay for my subscription.  I agree with the person who put forth the idea of an insert - an publish that insert every other year.  To much of a good thing is still a bad thing.

Quote1.  Review faires around the country.  Send people out with cameras and write articles about the various Renaissance Fairies.  This would help new faires and might encourage people to try neighboring faires.  Not just pictures but tales of these places!

Again, I agree with both you and someone else.  Do cover faires across the country but please cover more than the big corporate faires/festivals.  There are so many faires/festivals that the magazine's supply of them is limitless for their "up-close-and-personal" lay-out. 

Quote3.  Interview Renaissance Faire performers, authors who write historical books, musical groups, maybe even scholars on various period themes.  Wouldn't you be interested to read an interview with "Zilch the Torysteller" or "The Seattle Knights"?   How about a one on one with Alison Weir?  An article on a trip through Museum Replicas?  A disccourse with Jim Hrisoulas on his blade work?  I know that the magazine does do some interviews and articles about some Renaissance themed folks but I would have liked to see more.  Even tales of how faires appeared back in the "good old days" by some of the people who started the trend could be fun.  I bet the issues would even fly off the stand if you had an article on what a Renaissance Faire is like after hours...

     Thank you Obadiah!  As a performer who has written and submitted an article on my stage show to the magazine (and having it's publishing date continually pushed back), I feel that since we're not a "nation wide name," the powers that be feel we don't deserve the same attention.  This was reinforced when we were "overlooked" for the pirate issue because the editor "misplaced [my] article."  There are more than just "big name" performers out there on the circuit.  It takes all of us, big and small to make a faire happen.  Maybe I'm absolutely crazy but, I think we ALL deserve our 15 minutes of fame - not just a select few.
     Not sure what other faires are like but, for the most part, faires in this area of the country look like a ghost town after hours.  Rarely, in these days, have I seen a faire stay "open" after it closes for the day/weekend.  Some of the area faires have gone to a strict policy of "no one stays on site after hours, not even vendors" due to underage drinking and illicit acts.  So, not sure how well an issue and/or article on faires after hours would go over.  But, I do appreciate the fact that you are thinking outside the box, kudos to you!

     Just appears to me that some areas of the magazine have turned into a popularity contest.  I do like the articles on history/historical areas of the world.  Not so crazy about the art museum lists (most of which are a ways away from me and cost more than I am willing to part with ... and I like museums!).  I love the resource the costumer's corner provides, I'm still trying to get a handle on cartridge pleating, even though I don't do noble court anymore! 
     Yeah, the reviews seem VERY harsh as of late (and some of them are out-of-date) but, you never know what subscribers are hanging on every word of the reviewer. 

     I would like to see more information on the photo spread faire (pricing, etc) like was mentioned in an earlier post.  I do appreciate the hard work that goes into creating the faire listings - that is a good resource for stage shows and vendors. 

     So, despite it all, I will keep my subscription and see what the future holds.  Who knows, perhaps we'll see changes in the months ahead. 

Just my opionion, for what it's worth.

Fair Winds
IWG #979, IFRP #569, RMG # 614, Bard # 171.
Creator, Owner, & Manager of Williams Entertainment: Home of The Ladies of the Salty Kiss, The Shanty Lasses, Native Souls, & Grand Lake Renaissance Festival.


Quote from: Athena on June 22, 2008, 11:09:21 PM
Quote from: groomporter on June 22, 2008, 10:47:58 PM
I wrote a series of articles a few years back on the history of games, and believe the mag has a lot of potential and has a potentially a very valuable niche as an "industry" magazine for both participants and playtrons, but I do think it could do better. I confess I was a little disappointed that they turned down the idea of a column for merchants/crafters when I suggested it.

When did you write those? I have back issues dating as far back as 2001 and would love to take a look at the articles.

I think it started back in 2000. The series was entitled "The Compleat Gamester" and periodically appeared 11 times. They are listed here and they have my first one available online at

An issue for authors is that they started buying all rights to articles they use (I forget the official term) so you cannot resubmit the article for later publication elsewhere. But I don't think they are big enough, or pay enough to justify that kind of deal.

Other Ren Publications
There is another magazine, The Regional Renaissance Reporter that is supposed to be quarterly but it seems not quite that regular. It comes out of Iowa, so it also has more of a Midwest slant. I see on their website the theme of the next issue (due out anytime now) is "Not Made in China" focusing on artisan merchants."

It seems to me there used to be a small publication connected to one of the California shows also but was mainly promotion for that show. Anyone remember what it was?
When you die can you donate your body to pseudo-science?


While I agree, with a lot of what's been said here, I do have to disagree on the Wedding Issue.  Its one of my favorites.  It maybe because I've always known someone whose particpated in their wedding contest and its always a thrill to see someone you know in print.  I also love looking at the wedding dresses they feature every year.  I wish they would do stuff like that more often--sort of garb fashion spreads.


I have never subscribed to the mag.  I believe my collection starts with issue #4, but the collection is scattered.  I go to the newstand and peruse the issue and if there are articles that are of interest I will get it, otherwise leave it.  I was highly interested in an upcoming issue a few months ago because I saw, online, that in the next issue they were going to run an article and pictures on the Gulf Coast Faire.   Only modesty prevents me from expounding on why I was interested in that article.  Needless to say when the actual issue came out they instead ran several pictures on the Michigan faire.  I don't remember if that particular faire had ever been featured before but I think it had because I remember seeing a picture of Mary Kababic in it as Q.E. I.   If they could not follow thru on their proposed upcoming issues then that is where I would expect to see some sort of blip as to why.    Many photos were sent by our faire Photog. so I know they were well done.  So who knows, I just know that I agree with the wedding issue, so when it comes out I don't even bother to look at it.  
Of my collection there are most likely 5 - 6 that I would keep for various reasons but the rest,  if someone wants them to complete their collection contact me I'm sure we can strike a deal.      
Ancient swordsman/royalty
Have Crown/Sword Will Travel