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Hauntings are bull... right?

Started by VIII, June 06, 2012, 10:44:49 PM

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"I don't believe in ghosts."

Then I stayed at The Red Lion Inn in Avebury, England, in November of 1995. I know what I saw, during the day, THEN I heard the 'stories' from the manager.

Then there was the night at Louisiana Hall, in Tehuacanah, Texas... but thats where they filmed "Don't Look in the Basement." I looked in the basement, but thats not where I saw what I saw.

Then there was our Honeymoon at the Menger Hotel in San Antonio...

Spout laws and theorem and formulae, deny, point, quote, sneer, and gesticulate all you want, da da da.

I have no photos, no videos, no proof, no evidence, not one single measurement from a single scientific device, nothing but my testimony. I know what I've seen, I don't need your authorisation or your acceptance to believe in the evidence of my eyes.

BTW: My wife Loves those 'Haunting' shows, but I agree they are all boring, laughably, eye-rollingly, cringe-worthy god-awful messes.
Former King Henry VIII
Renaissance Magazine Issue #66 Cover Boy


There are many places where compromise is expected;
LOYALTY is not amongst them.

Merlin the Elder

Well, I do happen to believe in the spirit world, and also have seen manifestations—we both have—in our house. We also have a couple of friends who have visited at different times, who both informed us that there was another presence in the house, without any prior knowledge. So, I do believe in ghosts.
Living life in the slow lane
ROoL #116; the Jack of Daniels; AARP #7; SS# 000-00-0013
I've upped my standards. Now, up yours.
...and may all your babies be born naked...


I've seen three. Two at the Millermore in Dallas' Old City Park and one at the Perry Homestead in Carrollton.
At the Badu house in Llano, we heard disembodied footsteps in the middle of the night.
At Old Fort Clark in Bracketville, the temperature in our room in the officer's barracks dropped nearly 15 degrees in a matter of seconds when the window unit was unplugged.
I am really glad that I haven't heard disembodied voices, really glad.
My personal opinion is that Consciousness exists in more than one dimension. Once the physical body anchoring it in this dimension is gone, we don't understand enough about that level of physics to say why some leave bits of their consciousness behind and others don't.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

Morgan Dreadlocke

Fire Station #2 at RAF Mildenhall was the base morgue in WW2. Never saw anything personally but had to peel several others off the walls.
My intentions are to commandeer a venue, sail to Tortuga, then pick, strum and otherwise play me weasily black guts out.


Oh, I absolutely DO believe.
My younger brother died at 18, soon after we'd discovered my sister-in-law (older brother's wife) was pregnant with her first.  When they learned it was a boy, the debate about names included using little brother's name as the baby's middle name. Weird stuff started happening at their house... dust bunnies moving around when there was no air movement. The cats & dogs started avoiding certain areas of the house.  My s-i-l finally had enough and yelled at LB, telling him if he was going to be there, he WOULD be useful and to get in the antique cuckoo clock (which hadn't run in 15 years) and make it run, and within 2 hours, the clock started ticking.
That same brother used to visit Mom in the house she moved to about 5 years after he passed, often when she was sad or upset, she would get a whiff of his preferred cologne, even though there was none in the house.

A couple of years after Mom died, and 10 years after my grandmother died, I gifted my best friend in the world with my grandmother's bedroom furniture, as I had 2 other complete suites and didn't need a 3rd in the 2 bedroom apartment I was planning on moving to. After we'd loaded the furniture onto the trailer, her boyfriend was in the house alone (she and I were outside talking), when we heard him yell and come rushing out of the house, demanding to know which one of us had snuck up behind him while he was washing his hands in the bathroom.  We both laughed and told him that it was either Mom or Edie (grandmother), and that he'd best be careful with the furniture on the drive home...
IWG 3450
The ORIGINAL Pipe Wench
Wench @ Large #2
Resident Scottish Gypsy
Royal Aromatherapist

Rowan MacD

   I have lived in one haunted house (mostly auditory weirdness), and it's not as creepy as you would think.  I was never scared, but trying to find out where those noises were coming from about drove me bats.

What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

Captain Teague

Been to a few places and heard a few things. I welcome a full encounter.

I am torn on the spook hunter shows. Not sure if I am amused or disgusted. They are clearly hyped or else they would get boring immediately. Amuses me that they only do their hunt at night, lock up the building and turn off all the lights. Irony is, a lot of the places that get sightings happen during full day when a lot of people are around. Makes me feel as if the spirits are attracted to light sound and human presence.

I give myself a grin figuring the spirits are laughing themselves silly watching these fools wander around in the dark. And I also figure if they are strong enough to manifest, they are also cognitive thinking and I certainly would not ever come out and dance for any old fools pleasure.

I saw one ad for this new group which seemed to be trying to make the spirits extremely angry enough to show themselves, but I never have seen it again. Wondering if they called on something they didn't want.... ;)  There are more things than simple ghosts out there, sometimes best to leave it alone and not tick it off (my opinion only ).
The Code is the Law...

Rowan MacD

Quote from: Captain Teague on June 13, 2012, 11:19:47 AM
Been to a few places and heard a few things. I welcome a full encounter.

I am torn on the spook hunter shows. Not sure if I am amused or disgusted. They are clearly hyped or else they would get boring immediately. Amuses me that they only do their hunt at night, lock up the building and turn off all the lights. Irony is, a lot of the places that get sightings happen during full day when a lot of people are around. Makes me feel as if the spirits are attracted to light sound and human presence.

Ditto on the first statement ;D.

    Hubby and I watch the shows when we can (particularly the UK versions), just because we love to see these people scaring themselves half to death.
   No obvious ghosts so far, but the drama is hilarious, and oh so fake.  ::)
  The following is recounted from memory on one of my favorite UK episodes-A woman purporting to be a medium or sensitive or something is 'scanning' the building for negative energy.  On nearly every show, she grabs her throat and collapses. A sure sign that she has sensed something from Beyond The Veil.
   Once assisted to her feet, she hangs limply in the grasp of her fellow paranormal investigators, obviously drained of all energy (also a common theme).
   "I feel he's killing me! I'm choking to death, I tell you! There was a child murdered here! By a priest, or someone she trusted!".
   Later in the episode the taciturn (and very Scottish) owner of the former Inn said that the building had been in his family for many generations....A murder there was news to him.   
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

Laird Fraser of Lovatt

My family's estates, outside of Inverness (Beaufort Castle) has it's fair share of things that go bump in the night.  Cold spots... stuff moved around... foot steps up & down a certain hallway... pipes playing late at night.  My family was so used to them that they never really took notice of them... other than to point them out to a certain 7 year old Yank kinsman. (They delighted in scaring the crap out of me)  Beaufort was built in the 1890's but it was built on top of the ruins of a half a dozen other castles... all the way back to William I and the first Norman Clans.  The place has a "feel" about it... they call it "lived in".  :D  
Cha togar m' fhearg gun dìoladh
Alba gu brath
Laird of Dunans Castle
Warrior Poet/Loki God


I would say that 99% of the Ghost Hunter Shows are hyped. I am especially leery of anyone who brings a 'medium' along. Not that I don't believe in Extra senses; but the few, very few, people that I've met who demonstrate genuine ability all agree that its not a pleasant experience and they don't purposely seek out opportunities.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess

Captain Teague

Quote from: DonaCatalina on June 13, 2012, 01:43:21 PM
I would say that 99% of the Ghost Hunter Shows are hyped. I am especially leery of anyone who brings a 'medium' along. Not that I don't believe in Extra senses; but the few, very few, people that I've met who demonstrate genuine ability all agree that its not a pleasant experience and they don't purposely seek out opportunities.

And a return total agreement  ;D
The Code is the Law...


Quote from: DonaCatalina on June 13, 2012, 01:43:21 PMNot that I don't believe in Extra senses; but the few, very few, people that I've met who demonstrate genuine ability all agree that its not a pleasant experience and they don't purposely seek out opportunities.

That was my feeling.

I can't say I didn't believe. Or that I doubted others who had super natural experiences.

But when I ran into it on more than one occasion, I felt I could have easily lived without it happening.


Rowan MacD

  The only public place that I have ever visited that has a verifiable 'cold spot' that never varies is the Whaley house in San Diego.
  If you can get out there, it's a neat sensation.
    No one has been able to explain it, the spot is right under an arch separating two rooms (can't  remember which ones) and only a few folks say they don't feel it.  Like ice.
What doesn't kill me-had better run.
IWG wench #3139 
19.7% FaireFolk pure-80.3% FaireFolk corrupt

William the Braveheart

Nice thread!

I've been a Paranormal Investigator since the early 80's back in New Orleans, a long time before all this silly staged and scripted TV "Ghost Hunting" foolishness popped up.

I was lucky enough to have met and studied with an authentic Native American Shaman-Psychic-Medium-Witch Doctor all mixed into one. 

I have some Infra-Red Night Vision video footage that I shot at LePetit Theatre in New Orleans of actual spirit/ghost manifestation that is really incredible. I've shown it to very few people. Nobody has been able to debunk it because it's all REAL.
"Consuming my enemies with fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lightning from my arse"