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Please Pray for TigerFairy!

Started by Fairyfly, October 21, 2008, 09:40:01 PM

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My oldest is 7,too.
Rani is correct, the insulin needles are small. The injections won't be that deep. If you can get some practice needles,I would recommend that! Practice with an orange..It works!
Continued thoughts and prayers for you and your girl!
And ((hugs))!
Wench  #  3783
Treasure Guardian and giggling interrogator of the "Feisty Lady"

Guppy # 32 ROoL

Lady Renee Buchanan

Sorry to hear that about your daughter.

I am not medically trained, but my best girlfriend is a school nurse, and I remember her telling me that some children at her school have an insulin pump.  It's something they wear around their waist like a belt and the pump registers when the insulin level changes and then puts the medication (or whatever it is, I don't know) into the body to correct the level.

And I don't think there is constant injections.  Maybe you could ask the doctor when you get there what it is and if it is something that would be right for your daughter.

Good luck to both of you.
A real Surf Diva
Landshark who loves water
Chieftesse Surf'n Penny of Clan O'Siodhachain,
Irish Penny Brigade
Giver of Big Hugs 
Member since the beginning of RF
All will be well. St. Julian of Norwich

Baroness de Vale

I haven't been on for awhile and i was so shocked when I read this. I am so sorry for you both! I'm sending lots of prayers, positive energy, and hugs for you both! You'll be able to handle this just fine. My brother has diabetes and has to take insulin shots. It is such a tiny needle and it's very easy to get used to giving the shot. You can pick up the syringes at local pharmacies. Call an endocronologist (sp?) office and see if they know where you can get the training to give your daughter shots. To my knowledge the pumps are generally used for brittle diabetics who have a very hard time regulating their insulin. TigerFairy will probably just need the shots once they figure out the exact dosage. I know anything that goes wrong with kids is scary for the parent, but you can do this. Rani is right when she says it's a matter of seeing it as helping and not causing pain. Stay brave and big hugs!


I'm packed and leaving in a few minutes. Thanks for all the support everyone!!! I'll be back on Nov 9th so I'll get in touch then. Everyone take care while I'm gone.

Rani, hang in there hun. I'll be in touch when I can. Love ya sweetie!

Love you all too! *HUGS*
TaskMistress of the Bayou Scoundrel's
Fae'N M'Crack... or at least working on it.
Rani's Divine Whip

Rani Zemirah

I know everything will work out for all of you, sweetie! Take care, and give hugs from all of us to TigerFairy!!!
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede

Lord Figaro

Your in our thoughts and prayers hun. I did a little research and found a great link.
Those who do not remember their past are condemned to repeat their mistakes.

George Santayana


I'm in CO and got lots of hugs and kisses last night from my little kid! Her testing was a bit rough because it's new having me here so she wanted Momma to protect her from it, but it doesn't work that way. Thankfully her numbers weren't too bad even with her getting all upset. I've got a lot to read and learn, but I'm confident that I'll get there. The needles and lancet that we have to use are much smaller then I thought they'd be, so I'm doing pretty good about not having my normal sick feeling when I have to deal with needles. Yey!

It's just great getting to see her and hug her again! I'll keep you all posted on how we're doing. Thanks so much for all the well wishes! I've needed them. *HUGS*

Thanks for the link Fig!!! I'll take all the help finding information that I can get!  ;D
TaskMistress of the Bayou Scoundrel's
Fae'N M'Crack... or at least working on it.
Rani's Divine Whip


FairyFly I will continue to pray for you and your little girl.Hang in there and please keep us posted on how she is doing.Hugs to you.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


I'm really scared and very upset. Things here at my sister's have gone from rough to really bad. My sister wasn't informed about what's been going on with the bills and things are way behind. The landlord has wanted my daughter out of here for a long time, and my sister's guy didn't tell her any of this. She just found out this morning. The landlord stopped by to talk to them and he wants Phoeny to leave with me next weekend. Things aren't set up at home for her yet, and I'm trying to get a crash course in her care. I'm so stressed out I don't know what to do. My sister is going to ask the landlord if Phoeny can stay until the house is ready at the end of the month, but we don't know what he'll say. The apt I'm at right now has a strict no kids policy and the job I'm waiting on hasn't gotten their holiday hours yet. All I know is my daughter needs intensive watching and care right now and this situation isn't helping her at all. With all of us stressed here, she's upset as well. I keep trying not to cry in front of her, but it's not working very well. The money I got to get out here and take care of things here is about gone and I just don't know what I'm going to be able to do. I'm just seriously freaked.
TaskMistress of the Bayou Scoundrel's
Fae'N M'Crack... or at least working on it.
Rani's Divine Whip



I'm definitely keeping you and TigerFairy in my thoughts...

Maybe there are some sort of community resources in your area that can be of help...depending on where you are there are often agencies that can help families in tough spots...and of course we're all here for you too  :)

Stay strong, and know that the universe always provides for it's own...which is all of us... ;)
50% Endora, 50% Aunt Clara.


BIG HUGS and more prayers for you and your family
Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP


FairyFly I'm so sorry to hear this.This is truly the last thing you and your little girl need right now with all that is going on.I will continue to keep the two of you in my prayers.Stay strong and hang in there sweetie cause your little girl needs you right now.Hugs to you Darlin.
Irish Penny Brigade
IBRSC# 1584
Part Time Noble
Full Time Rogue
Overall Ren Geek
Man of many names
"Did I say that"


*Cross posted do to sleep deprivation*

Things are starting to calm down here. We've got a plan and it's starting to get set in motion. Today I had my first class on Type 1 diabetes and MAN is there a lot to learn! Good thing I took a notebook with me, I was taking notes through out the entire class. They gave me two folders of information; two books; gave me a list of books to look into getting; taught me how to measure, draw and give insulin shots {I even gave the nurse a saline shot and didn't pass out!!! WHoo Hoo!};and had a councilor talk to me about everything to make sure I understood and see how I was doing with it all. Plus, I got to meet Phoeny's Dr. Which was something I wanted to do, and shannon wasn't really willing to work with me on that too much. Glad he stepped up and introduced himself! Basically I was at the building from 7:20am to 2:30pm today. Time well spent I think. They even gave me information to help me get in touch with a "team" back home so it's in place by the time Phoeny gets there!

I feel MUCH better than I did a few days ago and am planning on starting to test Phoeny's blood and give her shots before I leave so she's got a taste of dealing with it with me more.

We've still got miles to go, literally,  but it's not quite as scary as it first was.

TaskMistress of the Bayou Scoundrel's
Fae'N M'Crack... or at least working on it.
Rani's Divine Whip

Rani Zemirah

Oh Fairyfly, I'm so glad to hear that you're feeling stronger and more confident in your ability to deal with this difficulty, and I'm glad you're there to help and reassure your daughter! The two of you will be just fine, I'm sure of it!! It's a lot to learn, but once you do it will be second nature to you, and you'll get along just fine...

Still sending hugs, love and lots of prayers!
Rani - Fire Goddess

Aut disce... aut discede


Morale Ofc of the Bayou Scoundrel, ETTE, IFRP