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Smoking in F of F areas

Started by Berit, February 13, 2009, 10:41:20 AM

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One of our most beloved forum members has asked the question, "Can at least one of the Friend of the Faire area be made nonsmoking?"  We believe that it is a reasonable request and thought that we would ask for comments.  So what do you all think about limiting smoking in the Friend of the Faire area?  We would appreciate any and all replies.


Ronald the Bald

Never thought of it as a problem before. I don't smoke and am allergic to the stuff. But being in wide open areas there is sufficient air flow to keep the air fresh. I hate smoking, but hate restrictions more.


As an ex-smoker I would say...
It's an outdoor event, and anyone walking beside can be smoking and that would waft into the area regardless.
Personally if I were smoking still and bought my pass and then found that one of the areas I paid extra to be able to be in wouldn't let me smoke... I would ask for my money back.
A better solution is a posted sign reminding smokers to be courteous of nonsmokers and stay upwind in any FoF area when smoking.
Smokers... Please... The one thing that used to annoy me to no end was when other smokers would not watch where the smoke was going and bothered nonsmokers
Nonsmokers... Please... If you see someone smoking, don't walk up and stand right where the smoke is going. And really... If you ask a smoker to change seats they will almost all be happy to do so. (And please don't make that face like someone just farted when you see someone light up... that's just as rude in my book)

Hopefully I didn't make anyone angry with this post... Really wasn't my intent. I just want people to see both sides and realize that courtesy is the answer to the problem.

*Rum for whomever I offended!*
*Got more Rum?* "Here, Try This!"

Queen Bonnie

 The FoF pavilion near the mud pit was so smoky all of the time I never could even go in there. I paid my money too! I am very allergic to cigarette smoke.
I think there should be possibly 2 pavilions? One for smokers- one for non smokers. Or more?  Sometimes there seems no way to escape the smoke.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


I understand the smoker's arguments about it being an outdoor event, but I paid my money too.
When the FOF areas are full of smokers we can't go inside because the smoke in the relatively
confined space makes it unpleasant for those of us allergic to cigarette smoke.
I usually don't complain, I just walk away.
If just one area was non-smoking, I can't see that being a hardship to the smokers who can light
up across the rest of the faire.
Aurum peccamenes multifariam texit
Marquesa de Trives
Portrait Goddess


What Teach said, and a bit more...

I'm a smoker, but I do try to be mindful of the nons in any area I am in. The smokers should be respectful of the nons, but it's an unfortunate problem sometimes. I won't even fly because there aren't areas for this ridiculous habit. I'd pay more for a smoking section on a plane or bus within reason. I don't smoke in other people's cars if they don't, and won't if I've got a nonsmoker in mine. It's called respect. Some don't want to be around it, so I respect that.

I despise being a smoker, and the health troubles it brings, and I'm trying to quit. I understand the disgust some have. But, an outright ban in one area tends to be the first step to an outright ban everywhere.

Clan McLotofus
Captain, HMS Landshark
ROoL #78, guppy


I'm a smoker and do try my best to be respectful of non smokers. I do see the point though and can understand them wanting a non smoking area, as I wish there were more smoking areas for us. One a faire is only fair.
Don't forget to smell the roses, but watch out for the thorns!


Being one who truly does not care where there is a cloud or not, here is my observation:
The rather larger FOF section in Pecan Grove can have an unspoken rule, it sorta does now.
I see many smokers who'll puff near the fence, put out the butt, toss it in the trash, then head into the main
area for gatorade and water.
The FOF over near Dr. Kaboom has a more casual approach; I have noticed that the smokers will subconcisouly
move when they are outnumbered by nons.
If there is a butt can, smokers move towards it. So, possibly strategic placement of trash cans?
Now, this would only work for the respectful of the bunch. Which I am proud to say is a fair amount of FOF types (Thank you!!!)
The ones that would run over a puppy just to save time, well... there is no hope for them, and they share this world with us.
A kind word usually goes a long way, if we ask and respond to one another even without a law to back it up, we are usually kind and respectful to one another.
That is a reason I love Scarby so much, there is an air of chivalry even if the shiny knights are all at the joust.


I too am an ex smoker, but still enjoy an occational pipe or nice cigar, and for someone to ask the question of making on smokey and one non is begs the question of making them both nonsmoking.  If it bothers you that much, then just ask then to be more considerate of others, and if they already are, then too bad so sad.  can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen.

Queen Bonnie

 There in lies the problem. You pay for FOF and because you do not smoke- and so many others are smoking in the areas- you just don't use the area. It is a question of health- not just good manners and courtesy. Smoke and people who smoke are hard to stay away from when you are allergic.
I am so pleased at least the shows are non smoking.
Wingardium Leviosa!
Tis not the length of the staff- but the magick there in!


I'm with you, QB.  You notice I don't do FOF?  One BIG reason is that smokers make me physically ill.  Not just the smell of smoke from the actual cigs/cigar, but the nicotine saturated clothing and the after smell where smokers have been. You won't find me at the White Horse (or inside the sidewalk at the Sea Devil at TRF) unless there is a strong wind blowing, and even then not for long.

I do appreciate the courtesy of most smokers, particularly those who know me and how much it affects me.  Most smokers at Scarby are courteous.  In no way am I belittling their efforts or intent of their courtesy.  I think they are all the better human beings for it.  The bottom line is any smoke is bad for me, even from those with the best of intentions.

Now I can see the pubs having smokers... no biggie to me.  I concede that smokers congregate there.  I don't 'need' to be there when at faire.  I REALLY don't appreciate places of necessity being off limits because of smokers.  Places I (might) 'need' to be... like restaurants (any place where food is at Scarby, but specifically where benches are inside).  Now places where you pay premium to get in for necessities (water, not booze) also make me sick.  To this point I haven't considered it an issue, I don't really like Gator Aide, and the extra perks of FOF are not terribly important to me.  The only thing I really lose is the companionship of friends that everyone else enjoys at FOF.  Remember, that is at FOF AND at the pubs AND at the indoor eateries for those who can't stand smoke.   

Bottom line is that smoker's DIRECT choice make it impossible for me to enjoy all of what I have paid for at faire.  Me, my wife, Bonnie, and a dozen others that I know of that frequent Scarby need to stay clear of even the considerate smokers.  We are not a small number.  I think it may be time for a SAFE area be made at faire, and it might as well encompass a 'premium' service that is already paid for, or at least a small part of it.

The way I see it, unless the person is belligerant about it, hey, it's their life.  Just keep it out of my face.  But, I draw the line at crass comments made because someone has an allergy.  Normally I am live and let live... in this case anyone who has that type of attitude I actually would wish my allergies on them.  Then let's see them spew 'too bad, so sad'.  Live it, then you have a right to condemn it based on intelligence, not just your own arrogance.

Stalk well...
Enthralled with the Faeriebox...


I too am allergic to cigarette smoke, but I still buy my FoF pass, and am grateful for the perks it brings.  The smoke doesn't bother me as much as it used to years ago, and I usually just try to get upwind of a smoker if one happens to be nearby.  However, I have to carry my inhaler in my pouch when going to any faire, and usually have to use it at least once during the day, but I'm also allergic to other things outdoors.  Having one of the FoF areas be smoke-free would be a large benefit for me and my family.  Would it be possible to maybe setup a 3rd area in the middle of the grounds (like near the Crown Stage) that is smoke-free?  I wouldn't want to take away anything from FoF that do smoke.
"I reject your reality and substitute my own!" - Adam, Mythbusters


There are many reasons to have a non-smoking FOF area.  But when you cut thru all the rest.  It is the right thing to do.
There are many places where compromise is expected;
LOYALTY is not amongst them.

Lady Rosaline

I am a smoker and do not mind a non smoking area at fair as they are quite common in the dane world and I am used to having to look for a smoking area. I for one will walk away from a group of people (adults or kiddos) to smoke a cigarette. I don't feel that everyone should be exposed to my "nasty" habit. But there are certain areas that I believe should be smoking areas; bar, pubs, etc are one of them. They are not health clubs. However there are also areas that I wish were NON-smoking areas, like restaurants, shows, and places where children gather in mass. I, as a smoker, cannot eat if someone is smoking near by. I also do not want someone smoking in an area that my children must be exposed to it. I don't smoke with them around and will leave anywhere that someone does.
  I guess what I am saying is that if I did buy a FOF pass, I live too far away to take advantage of one, I would not mind if a FOF area was made non smoking.
I'm the reason the rum is gone! (Unless Teach is near by!)

Kat Rose

As a smoker myself,  and having a husband who enjoys the occasional cigar...I even now have a tendancy to step "away" from the masses to have a quick smoke.  And I always snuff it out and dispose of the butt properly. 

Even in the Friends of the Faire areas, I would sit away from others that aren't smoking.  , but having a nice place to rest is one of the perks I'd hate to lose